
No one cares about your true and accurate statements.

If they’re going to whitewash things, why do they have to pick all the good stuff? Ghost in the Shell? Death note? Fucking hell. I’ll boycott all of them, but damn it, couldn’t you whitewash some no-name 4th rate show nobody liked from the start and get some Asian actors/actresses for the good stuff?

Don’t worry, your correct logic has no place here and you will forever be in the greys.

Absolutely ridiculous. It is NOT whitewashing. It is an adaptation. In asian countries when they remake American movies with local celebrities the population doesn’t flip out that it is being asianwashed. This bullshit has to stop. This isn’t like Ghost in the Shell which was set in Japan but replaced the leads with

I haven’t seen Death Note in years, but it (at least the first half of it) was one of my go to animes for re watching out of boredom along side the typical fair weather anime fan shows like Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Gantz and a few others. I thought the story was great in that it offered something a little deeper than the

The most American, pernicious thing the makers of the new Death Note have done is to turn Light not just white, but “good”: to make him an average kid, an understandably misunderstood victim.

So...he gave us Sarah Connor and now Hollywood can stop because...that’s it?

“I mean, I didn’t make it. So how can it be good? I just don’t understand the world anymore....”

nope sorry pretty sure that only one female lead character is allowed in film at a time

Next he should talk about intersectional feminism. I’ve ALWAYS wanted to know his thoughts on that! Of course first he’ll need a woman to alert him of it and define it for him and then he can spew his words of wisdom to us.

I don’t think I’m interested in the opinion of what is bad for whom from anyone who stepped out of the house in that fucking shirt.

The business of Hollywood IS objectification. So I don’t know why he’s acting like he’s telling truth to power when his whole career has been based on it as much as anyone else’s.

You’re so right, film school bro. I can’t want to see another shitty Avatar movie that everyone will see, claim to love, and then immediately forget.

What he’s missing is that it doesn’t have to be Wonder Woman OR Sarah Connor— we can have BOTH. They’re completely different women, because there isn’t just one type of woman, and the idea that we can only have one archetype of feminist icon is fucking stupid.

James Cameron, a man to whom I turn regularly for his opinions, has offered his very hot take on Wonder Woman and feminism. Would you like to hear it?

Dat ass.

Right; I expected the BBC to be rather more ok with casting non-conventionally attractive actors (see also: Cracker). Still, I’ll watch the heck out of this. The books are super enjoyable.

I mean, you’re supposed to sort of find him attractive in spite of his looks, I think? But that Cormoran’s just conventionally attractive.

Ladies and gentlemen, a star for some fine wordplay.

Why would you go though all the trouble of cracking open a peanut shell, then just leave the actual nut—or legume, as it were—scattered around the table instead of eating it? What kind of lazy fucking peanutery is this photograph capturing?