
This car is the automotive equivalent of the night terror-inducing zombie bear from Annihilation. It’s face is half skeleton, and it uses the call of something you love to pull you in before ripping your face off and eating you.

Very true, gotta keep those red coats in check.

That was more of a joke regarding your username than an actual argument.

I feel like that’s a bit of hyperbole

Are you still angry at England for the tax rates on tea?

Ever since Patrick crashed a Camaro at the launch, Jalopnik has been super salty about anything related to GM. It’s really immature and unfortunately one of my major issues with a site I love. I support honestly calling out companies when they have issues, but literally flipping your opinion on something like factory

This is Jalopnik, GM is always bad here. GM makes affordable, manual, RWD sports cars? Their interiors aren’t as nice as cars 10x the price, so clearly they suck and are awful. I think GM could end world hunger and Jalopnik would find a way to complain about it.

I get that and agree, but I also get Merc and Ferrari not wanting any additional risk of distraction. Sure, it would be nice to see their battle, but I’m excited to see some focus on the other teams.

Mercedes and Ferrari probably didn’t want the distraction of a documentary crew in the middle of their title fight. I can’t blame them for that, if that was their reasoning. If they wanted the spotlight on themselves, then screw ‘em.

Shhh! I’m trying to keep him safe by killing this thing for good.

Time for an LS swap

This looks a lot like an internal hard model to me. The blacked out glass tells me it’s just painted on a solid form. Also the fact that it’s on rollers. Still, the fact that it’s built to that quality means it’s probably pretty close to the real thing.

Because people complain just as much when things don’t change as they do when they do change.

Clean lines, nice surfacing, classic proportions. This thing is going to be a looker!

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

Where was I when the Sitcom Senna & Amy was on? Did they ever get together or was it cancelled before they realized they loved each other?

slow plane slow

I get that, but they’re far more daring in other sports. From a corporate standpoint they seem like a company that likes to push a more adventurous image, this just seems conservative.

Boo Red Bull, stop being boring! You’re the last team that should be playing it conservative!

While their full-season livery looks nice, it’s disappointing seeing them do something more expected. It’s just like Red Bull, as cool as their test or launch liveries may be, I just don’t care because I know they’re just going to run the same livery they’ve had for years.