
You're right. Nothing's ever black and white, even with regards to the same person. I think the grey areas should definitely be explored more in public discourse—honestly, the more detailed, realistic discussions we have about abortions, the more pro-choice I think the country will become as a whole. This either/or

There are some roles that need to be written as male or female, because the topic in question deals with gender roles in some way or because there's some component of the character's personality that's been dramatically shaped by gender. There are other roles that don't need to be written as male or female, and that

It does, but it's "better" than the alternative. When I write, I will write characters as one particular gender. Then, when I've gotten a good handle on the character, I ask myself "Is there any reason this character can't be female/male?" You would be amazed how often the answer is "no."

Sure dude. Make some more helpful videos, and in the meantime I'll be over here with my vagina working on a Ph.D contributing (hopefully) to a solution for world hunger. I'm not so sure I believe in God myself, but s/he can sort it out later whether or not it was a good idea for me (and my fellow lady colleagues) to

Excellent advice! I know we try around here to support each other and our individual choices.

This is always my mantra, remember you are equal and act that way. It's a hard thing to do sometimes, but it is ultimately the end goal, isn't it?

We need a "willful promotion of hatred" criminal statute here in the US.

Data? At all? I'm unaware of any data that exist on rates of finishing multiple choice exams between the sexes, but anecdotally, I've not noticed that one sex is more likely to have to have me pry the exam from their cold, clammy hands.

Yep - when Watson and Crick rolled out their "nitrogenous bases on the outside" model of DNA, it wasn't stupid and based on almost nothing, it was just being "risky"

It's also easier to be risky when you have less on the line. Wasn't there a study out that said that it's still easier for guys to get the same jobs that women have with less education? If you have that kind of safety net then of course you can take a gamble. I also love the idea that when men go with their gut and

But we created the problems. Nature balances things. Species exist with each for that purpose. And shark attacks are extraordinarily rare. Seals & sharks have always been in Cape waters. And your argument about starving children was the same made during the whaling years. That did not work well. Sharks are under the

If it was such a universally valuable reproductive strategy, certain species such as ducks wouldn't have evolved countermeasures against it. It is a strategy for SOME species, but it isn't common or successful in all species. Besides that, it could also be argued that it's just human nature to lie, steal, and kill,

This is what's called the naturalism fallacy. It's true that rape exists in many species, which is why some biologists study it to understand why it occurs. And they should, and we should learn more about why some human beings are prone to rape - so that we can PREVENT it.

Seriously. Women get shit for being cautious and distrustful of men but the second a woman gets raped she totally should have sensed that that guy was bad news.

Artfilm?!? Plot holes are plot holes, stupid is stupid, I've never heard them excused as art. Really pretty scenery aside, I don't think you can compare this to 'the seventh seal', at least not in a complimentary way. This movie totally could have maintained its themes, metaphors, allusions and motifs without

in their ignorance of literary tools and obsession with naturalism

I thought it was entertaining, but it's not a smart film by any stretch. Prometheus, while art, is not necessarily good art. There's a lot of sound and fury that in the end doesn't signify much of anything. Ingmar Bergman is an artist. Terrence Malick and Lars Von Trier. Woody Allen and David Mamet. All of