
I don't really believe in the afterlife, but I do believe in some form of reincarnation. I seriously hope that she is born again and has a long and wonderful life full of joy and peace. Rest in Peace and hopefully your death will bring change to your country.

Got that same vibe as well...

Don't know the details, but I know that Macross was only available in the west as Robotech, which was a show that was stitched together from other shows besides Macross. Still, Macross, in all its shapes and sizes is not available to the west, so any games or subsequent shows aren't translated or anything, which kinda

I know! Why don't I get 3 mill to lose weight? Why don't you? WHY DON'T WE ALL!?

Thank you so much for sharing this! It is absolutely awesome!

Korra should go beat their asses up. Besides the fact that she is the goddam avatar, she trained all her life to be a BAMF and it is clearly stated over and over again that her biggest problem in mastering the air element is her lack of "delicacy". But I guess because she has tits and a vagina this is all impossible.

The fact that your character has to BEA-FUCKING-UTIFUL is a qualm I have with a lot of RPGs, and thus I stay away from making pretty characters. However, I haven't played a lot so.. :P

Hey, we'd have to give Cali back. Mexico could use a California. Although I don't know if it could counteract the other states...

Right!? Nausica is as badass as it gets, as most female leads in Gibhli and I love card-captor sakura. :D

Although, now that I think of it, RHPS is older than 30 :(

Right!? RIGHT!?

Your side note just made me feel so much more awesome about my reproductive system.

I've noticed this too. There seems to be more women in Bio. The lab I am working at (as a lowly lab assistant whose job is to clean things) it seems it's about 50-50. Which is great. Btw, my lab works in Cell Bio.

I'm wondering about the three women and I keep thinking about soldiers and what-not. I mean, they kill also, do they not? And they, too, are forced to kill other people. I don't know. Don't berate me on this, it's just a thought.

Good luck with your admissions! :D

Is going off topic a problem? Just wanted to share, 'cause Jezebel is usually a nice place to share stuff.

! Thanks for reminding me of this!

Awesome comment. Just dropped in to say that.

You know, I applied to UCLA, it wasn't my first choice and I probably wouldn't have gone there anyway, but I wanted to keep my options open.
