I don't know why, but when you described it, I couldn't help picturing it as a Studio Ghibli movie.
I don't know why, but when you described it, I couldn't help picturing it as a Studio Ghibli movie.
"Julia Holcomb — after 36 years of silence about her relationship with Tyler — has recently revealed her regret for having the abortion, has joined the Silent No More organization of women who have regretted their abortions, and has converted to Catholicism."
I have two cats, and I find this article very curious. One of my cats is OBESE. My neighbors found him alone around the garbage when he was probably, ooh 2 months old? They gave him to me and he would refuse to be away from me (which was inconveniant because he had fleas and pooped a couple of times on my bed. ON MY…
I feel that a lot of people have turned to this as a response to being called out. "Damn, that girl's a slut." "Well, what if it was a guy, then what, he'd be a stud?" "Er... well no, he'd be a slut too."
It's sure is trolly in here... Or is it just me?
This is odd. Four is also my favorite number. For no particular reason, I just like it. I also like 24. I like that it's the product of 6 and 4 (which seem like a happy couple) 8 and 3 (although I feel 8 has a to put up with 3), etc.
Yankton, you made me giggle.
Oh? I have never heard of it. What's it about?
I shall learn more about this. Btw, here's me finding out today that my inbox has all the stuff people have commented about my posts.
Ah, that would explain much. In my defense, I got up to go to the bathroom when they got Weyland out of his thingamajig.
Yeah, I'll let it slide. This time.
Now I love you even more, Han Solo.
Yes! That's the one! Then the e-mail I always got had a bunch of pictures of aborted fetuses. These guys, you know, are classy.
Hahaha! Zapatero, you naughty man!
One day, I would like to write a book. I would like to sit down, order my thoughts, and write fiction and perhaps non-fiction. However, I am afraid of the task. Will people actually be interested in my thoughts? Do I believe I have something so important to communicate that I feel the need to seek publishing and the…
That's how my Bf describes it too hehehe
Where I used to live, abortion was pretty much considered BAD (and pretty much everyone was SUPER catholic). I got the same chain e-mail several times that was a "letter" from a fetus to his mom (she aborts him). And my math teacher talked to us about how abortion was like someone tying up your family members and…
I have a question to all my fellow Jezebels. What does it feel like to be disease induced confused? Whenever I see it listed as a symptom it confuses me (see what I did there!?). Anyway, anyone care to volunteer an answer?