Saša Miočić

By writing this, as if you are almost saying "buy iPhones" to everybody who has less demands. Symbian can be quite user friendly. Android is great, I use it/love it (got it after disappointment in N97) but for those not wanting to pass an exam before making a phone call, Nokia still makes pretty nice phones. For my

Is it supposed to make fun of software companies, express discontent about software prices, or what. I don't get art lately...

If Eugene Wesley "Gene" Roddenberry was still alive, he could sue them all asses, because he basically had all this shitty todays phones 50 years ago on a freakin TV.

Fansy pants. I use soft cloth dipped in warm water.

Is this really "bow out", or a genius marketing extravaganza?

Whaaaaat, NYC is still on quarters?!? Even here in "far far away I don't even know where it is" Croatia you can pay by SMS last 6-7 years, even in the smallest cities.

If you think about it, a good DJ is never gonna get a request. Not every DJ is a good DJ, I'll say...

I guess that the energy input would be greater than energy saved, so what is the point of this...

I like to know peoples names, who wants to talk to "hotpants84" "mike006" or "i heart Tofu"??? I don't go to kindergarden anymore...

Proud owner of a Pioneer Kuro plasma, and it is worth every dime... still incredible... LCD schmLCD...

Exactly :)

First of all, this is soooooooooo old that my greatgreatgreatgrandma can't even remember it.

Couldn't be, it's just too damn fugly. FAIL

Looking at AT&T from Europe, I don't understand why are you still bothered with that network, over here everybody would be switching superfast.

If you listened carefully, you would hear him say: "After four hours when you're almost at the end of the menu, the more bewilderment the better."

That would make a fine subwoofer for my car! What else I need a magnet for???

So if my calculations are right, in 15 months, it will be 100% Android. Splendid, I get tired of apple nerds, for example today went for a coffee with a friend who took out his new ipad2 for a stroll. I asked: "What do you use it for?". He replied:"For everything." EVERYthing??? Really??? So gay.

Ooh, gizmodo is suddenly anti android? Who would guess that such a user friendly and open minded OS would disturb cocky apple owners?

Diaz, I dont give a damn you dont give a damn about the rest. Go ahead, burp some more and loose more followers...

There is no dust in Japan :DDD