Saša Miočić

mp3 itself served it's purpose long time ago. It was cute, it was convenient. Any serious music junkie shouldn't even consider listening to mp3 anymore, let alone giving money to buy one. I admit, I have great gear, even in the car. But the details in music left out in even 320kbps mp3s are those details which give

I understand pointing out obvious mistakes in movies, but if CinemaSins don't like the movie, they can shove their opinions up their uptight you know what.

You'll look ridiculous wearing any of this hideous plastic craps strapped onto your wrist. Watches are for men. Toys are for kids.

You have to be blind not to see that so many people are zombified with their little screens. I am too. It is fascinating how that little screen in always in my fu**ing hand. Check weather. Rain. Moan on the facebook. Reminder. Ooh, new mail. Incoming call. Gizmodo. Facebook notification. Another facebook notification.

But then again, if people accepted Facebook as a standard, it is the best, period. When something better comes and sets itself as a standard, it will be better :) Also, few days ago google opened G+ account for me without asking. I don't find that nor good nor amusing.

Design is in close relationship with usefulness and functionality. But since we are no robots, appeal of things will be firstly taken into count. Like dating, you would probably never ask a girl out if you are not psychically attracted. That is who we are. And there is no sacrifice there...

Why are you so concerned about people concerned about design? IT'S A LIFE, and I like it beautiful.

Who knows, maybe he has few ideas that will renew the use of online video watching. But apart from couple of ideas, you cannot fight against youtube, same as you cannot fight against facebook. And it is not monopoly my friends, it is simply the law of the universe. Better is always - better.

He may be a genius, but unfortunately not a musical one.

I am sure that NOBODY EVER built something like this. Stupid. I wanted to try iPhone5, but seems to me it is gonna be Android flagship, again with delight. Apple gives me the creeps.

In order to be different, people tend to experiment with stuff that shouldn't be called music. I heard worse, but this is far from good.


I didn't understand a WORD he said... :p

Last week I needed to burn a CD for a theater I am writing music for. I was in my hometown, so I used friends studio, sleepover at parents, etc. Didn't bring laptop, huge mistake. It was urgent for the rehearsal, and the opt. drive in friends studio was dead. Calmly I took music on a USB stick. Arrived @ the theater,

Like it said, he was a good business man. And almost the only business man who is praised like a star :D Happy B anyway, as much as it is weird saying that to someone who is no more...

What should they do, make crappier apps? I only wish I had that moment of clarity to build something great as Google. Put schizophrenia aside, they were just 2 guys with an idea, and they started small. Where do you think they would be if they were crying other great companies have monopoly over "stuff".

What do you mean? You have 2 options: Use it / Don't use it

Lint, clearly the sun occupies roughly 70% of each page, which would make it 1.4m km. We read left to right. That is the idea.

Really. Really! Really?

But that is what we like, no? Digital life, organized. Like when I bought my HTC. It only asked me google user/pass and voila, all the numbers, contacts, mails, are on the frekin p-fone, how cool is that :)