I guarantee Bannon refers to Kushner as “The Jew”.
I guarantee Bannon refers to Kushner as “The Jew”.
which would ostensibly prohibit the state from discriminating against individuals based on their beliefs about climate change.
Both Donald and Jared were born with silver spoons up their asses to shitty fathers.
One of the most exhausting and frustrating things in the whole entire world is a privileged white person with oppressive political views getting bent out of shape because someone reasonably makes the logical connection from those political views to personal beliefs and calls her out on it.
When they come to take Benedict Donald away, they’re going to be horrified at what they find in that closet: dead Russian hookers, like you said, covered in urine, his tax returns, also covered in his urine and Ivanka, tied up and also covered in...well, you get the point.
Congresswoman Maxine Waters and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the only two Democrats with the right to call themselves Progressives. The only two Democrats who have the FDR-LBJ toughness. We need to clone them both.
I expect they will call treason, and most of them know it. But for the time being, I’ll take Maxine Waters calling them “scumbags”.
“It’s just me...just me and my ganja.”
When will white people address their culture of violence?
Its Trump! He called Bob Costa at the Post (who I believe wrote the piece Burneko cited, but I’m too lazy to scroll up), and basically any behind-the-scenes piece by Maggie Haberman or Glenn Thrush at the Times that cite White House sources...those sources are literally Trump.
“Guys, look. This is not a discussion. This is not a debate. You have no choice but to vote for this bill.” - Bill Pullman’s agent, while pointing at a picture of Bill Paxton, during a Twister casting meeting.
Trump Supporter: “Does it potentially hurt brown people?”
It’s Trump. He was aiming for autocracy but fails at it just like he has at every damn thing in his life, resulting in chaos.
I am a defense attorney and you are 100% correct. His attorney has an obligation to provide a full and professional defense. Anything else, like this social media garbage, is not required and reveals the person to be opportunistic garbage. My job is to defend my client against the legal charges in court. Not serve…
On a weird contrary note, I do believe that if Oprah ran in 2020, she would win hands down.
Oh great, we get to rely on Chaffetz - the Shkreli of Congress - to lead the charge to conduct an investigation and potential punishment.