
Newt’s also very self unaware. He regularly attacks people for infidelities (like Bill Clinton in the 1990s), when he cheated on at least two wives-- both of whom were sick. Him talking about a woman gaining weight fits that pattern. Newt is apparently unaware that he looks like porky pig

I’ll take the low road. A headline that said he was found dead after a neighbor reported the smell wouldn’t cause me any stress.

No one’s as irrationally confident in their looks as fat white dudes. Like, they’re always the loudest critics of other people’s looks, particularly women’s.

The day that I can read the news without having to come across the name Donald Trump will be one of the happiest days of my life.

If that was true the party and its candidates wouldn’t be the fucking joke it is now.

This guy was governor of a state that borders Mexico.

Best meme I’ve seen in a long time:

“Even as Mr. Trump’s advisers publicly backed him on Tuesday and praised his debate performance, they were privately awash in second-guessing about why he stopped attacking Mrs. Clinton on trade and character issues and instead grew erratic, impatient and subdued as the night went on.”

Goddammit, Kinja!!!!!!
I apologize. Now here’s this:

Damn, 300 pounds rob is approaching DNC hacking territory.

As a resident of the west side of Chicago, I was particularly infuriated by his using our city as an “example.” We hate his gross building. We in the “inner city”-- which, fuck you very much-- don’t think the solution to crime, let alone long-held racism and cronyism, is any of the shit he thinks will “fix” our

If it helps them out, Gary Johnson has a strong anti-choice record.

Seriously I CANNOT understand the Clinton hate for the life of me. Trump is pretty much Godzilla, walking around destroying everything, and people say things like, “Oh but she’s not charismatic enough.”

at a previous job, god, i cannot believe i’m saying this, a coworker asked me to help clean up her home computer because it had run out of space and she had no idea how that could be. since i knew she had a son, i had an inkling of what might be taking up all that space. and while i fully expected to find many large

Back in my escorting days I went to use the bathroom after a...session(?) & after I washed my face I opened his linen closet in search of a towel of some sort. I found a towel, but I also found a very elaborate shrine to Shelley Long. So. Yeah.

My parents having sex on the floor of the living room when I was a kid. They don’t know I saw them. It was late at night about 30 years ago, I was supposed to be asleep, and I can still picture it like it was yesterday. I remember thinking “you will never unsee this.” And I was right.

Spencer and his creepy, flesh colored beard? *shivering with nausea*

Please include a finale in which Pooh sacrifices himself and uses his butt to close up the doorway to the netherworld. Thanks.