My hubs was out of commission for 12 hours, then lots of aspirin and ice at night. Best medical procedure ever!
My hubs was out of commission for 12 hours, then lots of aspirin and ice at night. Best medical procedure ever!
Rich white guys will do almost anything for tax cuts.
Maybe I’m just weird, but it’s possible for me to care about two different things simultaneously and to different degrees.
Halle’s mystery man is a music producer named Alex Da Kid.
Mueller’s investigation will lead to Trump’s impeachment or resignation. NY AG Eric Schneiderman’s investigation will lead to prison time and asset forfeiture. Keep the faith!
A 40 year old dating a 46 year old skeeves you out?
No, you ask the police to send an escort to help you. Cops do this kind of thing all the time. You sound awfully like you’re defending someone whose first impulse is to use a gun.
Warning shots are usually fired into the air, not into someone’s abdomen. I read elsewhere this woman has a few violent incidents on her record already.
It’s a phrase, not a comment about female empowerment.
I saw It last night and I really enjoyed it! The CGI was a little off in a few scenes, but Skarsgaard’s Pennywise was creepy perfection. I didn’t think the nostalgia was overdone, and the cultural references seemed appropriate and low-key. I thought the movie did a great job of portraying how kids (esp. groups of…
Plain-spoken people FTW!
This is also my reaction.
Please do not mistake: my family is essential to me.
But, collectively, we are not really important. I suppose it is doom, but it doesn’t feel hopeless to me. Do the best you can while you are here. Nothing has changed.
Starred for “butthole or no.”
I keep thinking that, although it’s terrible.
I’m rereading On Writing by Stephen King right now, and he briefly mentions that the impetus for The Dead Zone was the question, “Can a political assassination ever be right?”
Just logged in to say LOTR:ROTK and saw your comment.
In this case, the third installment was by far the best of the trilogy.
My dad died almost ten years ago, while I was pregnant with his only grandchild. He had a terrible temper, but an amazing gift for letting go. Almost as soon as the tempest arrived, it blew out and the day became sunny once again. My dad used to hurry to fetch the vacuum when he saw Jehovah’s Witnesses coming up the…
Is it because Dennis Wilson introduced Manson to Terry Melcher?
What about the Carpenters?
Or, God forbid, a President who wears tan suits in D.C. in August! How we survived those 8 years, I’ll never know!
Chris Cornell’s solo album Euphoria Morning is fantastic and everyone should listen to it today in tribute, especially the song “Seeking a Friend for the End of the World.”