
I hate when studios re-use backdrops like stock photos—There's like these 5 places in japan that I see in like, every fucking anime out there.

I just googled for them but came up dry—-But chances are very good you know exactly what I'm talking about.

As reported by our colleagues at Jezebel, a 16-year-old girl from Nagasaki prefecture has been arrested for allegedly killing, dismembering, and decapitating a classmate with a saw. According to The Japan Times, the suspect is quoted as saying she "wanted to dissect" someone and allegedly used to cut up animals.

The federal charge was dropped quite quickly when the judge found out it was nothing more than a spiderwebbed glass screen, and assaults are typically felonies.

Often, you'll hear the term "Assault & Battery"——This is actually a two part thing. Assault is just a catch all classification for the entire confrontation,

Force Edge, what are you doing here?

Bit of a personal story here, but it is a "first-hand knowledge" answer to your question

I got in a fistfight last year and ended up in jail facing felony assault. I was eventually sentenced to 90 days, but by that time it had already been nearly four months. They simply adjusted the sentence to last up until that very

The reason why child porn is illegal is because sex is generally harmful to a child's emotional and social health and development. (exceptions being kids ages 14+. At that point it's more of a social issue than a mental health one.)

Pornographic artwork containing children is not illegal in most countries due to the

Dude is from where the toilets flush backwards.

What in GabeN's name is that monster?!

Too Depressing; Couldn't Read.

Pretty much. Us PC gamers have a pretty good relationship with Nintendo, compared to with Sony and Microsoft.

I mean, Nintendo isn't constantly trying to shaft us, and they don't pull any of the usual bullshit that the PC community outright hates.

Hell, Nintendo exists outside our domain and doesn't try to muscle itself

This statement is erroneous.

Zubats are annoying, not hot.

Glaceon. The only eeveelution more visually appealing than it is Espeon.

Espeon is totally your tsundere, though.

Not nearly as easily as other phones on the market. Comparatively speaking, lumias are like tanks.

Overrated as in "Rated too high" or "Overrated" as in absolutely shitty but popular anyways?

But Solomon's extraordinary math skills came from the demons he summoned in order to build his temple!

Sadly, monster hunter really only exists on playstation systems—-largely the PSP and Vita. There's also a small handful of titles for Nintendo systems like the 3DS and WiiU.

There was, however, a rip-off style F2P MMO on PC awhile back, but I'm not certain it is still running—-There's actually an official MMO coming

I'm greatly partial to my gold and black 3DS XL.

That thing is the only piece of limited edition hardware I've ever seen that looked so *right*.

It's like an Eeveerave.

Now where's the E?

They're on the gimpsuit he inevitably put underneath.