
Just think of it the way the Americans say they are about to liberate a country.

US parades are invasions. 

This was fascinating and illuminating. Glad Deadspin is sticking so closely to sports like this.

I’m confused.....

Um and clearly he knows how to keep her satisfied.

I keep asking them to let me in, and they don’t want me. My grandparents fled Norway because they were being chased by Nazis, and I tried to get back in there, but they had renounced their citizenship so I’m left out in the not-cold. I tried explaining that the Nazis were here now, but still, no dice. 

It’s not the eventual extra steps I’m most pissed about.

I don’t care how talented he is, this guy is unbearable to watch. If it’s not the (as described here on Deadspin) 18 second iso’s then 3-point attempt, it’s this cockamamie nonsense. Ugh, the worst.

Yeah but Watson just has the natural born ability to read a defense. That’s god-given.

I had dinner Saturday night with my wife’s joyfully pro-Trump, pro-authoritarianism family, and they’re laughing about this. They believe McConnell has no legal obligation to even allow impeachment discussion on the Senate floor (and they might be right), and even if they do the left is too disorganized and wishy washy

I can’t find the clip right now, but I saw one time at a Q&A at a Con, someone asked Baker for tips on getting into voice acting.

He gave this whole speech on getting the best microphone you can find, then just constantly practicing through reading books to yourself and recording them and playing them back and things

Good for Baker. I sometimes get sick of him voicing seemingly everything (that Nolan North isn’t already doing), but if he’s standing up for his principles and supporting his union people, I’ve got more respect for him now.

To be fair Randy couldn’t afford to pay a union actor because that money would be better spent literally lining his pockets.

You know how I know what you said was an attempt at humor? You put lol at the end of it. Otherwise, I never would’ve known. Good lookin’ out.

Oh wow, you’re a piece of shit.

To me if her tears are genuine or not doesn’t matter. She can be genuinely remorseful and feel guilty as fuck that doesnt change whether she is guilty in the eyes of the law. She shot a man in his own home. 

Can we just run the fucking numbers on that right quick??

Why are people saying she is on drugs? Racism is not a side effect of any drug. LOL please stop with that bullshit. Y’all are trying to rationalize this nonsense. That white privilege even affects people of color thought processes.

Fuck this shit.

“wait! We are both gay?”