
I'd even go so far as to credit Kawakami for having a hand in pushing aforementioned terrible Warriors owner out the door, setting the stage for what was thought to be a Larry Ellison tenure that suddenly became the Lacob one. Vast, vast improvement, and Kawakami's agitating shed light on how awful the situation had


Why would South Korea feel challenged by this? It's not like there's a history of long-standing beef or enmity between the two nations...

3 balls for a walk; 2 balls for a K. Make it happen!

For $17.99 on the Apple Store, I'll copy my own damn passwords.

Bought my own modem. No problems with it, and happily pocketing the savings since I bought it a year ago.

Transformers: Cheeto of the Dusty UnderCouch

I know, right! It's because this guy is Korean and he's doing things, and because Psy is Korean and he's doing things, too!

Guys, look! We can stop looking for answers now! Normal person with perfect childhood is here to tell the rest of us how it should be done!

Or stop judging other people for not being like you? I work with kids and can vouch for hand san being a necessity if I don't want a long, coughing winter.

I'd recommend TEW2013 for the PC. Great concept, with some awesome fan writing to go with the games therein.

Based on the 2 "likes" he got, this is clearly the case.

Wow. Going right for the race button.

AND she was feeling sassy/pretty in a white dress? Just how clingy/gauzy/diaphonous was this? And how much leg was she showing? Won't somebody think of that poor teenaged boy being subjected to her pretty sassiness?

Link here, for the less Google-inclined.

That was my thought when I read the article.

Decent law-breaking citizens, you mean.

Agreed with all the others. Slusser is superb.

I don't know Dan Meyer the human being at all, but being an A's fan, I can't help but associate his being the centerpiece of the Tim Hudson trade and grimace.

Office Space called for you, Jim Halpert. They want their hairstyle back.