
I'm puzzled as to why this (and several other) off-topic questions ended up in the comments of this Jim Parsons Hosting SNL article, but... I do have an answer for you, so...

As far as I can tell... it's more automated. With Honey, Iv'e had to click on the Honey button and wait for it to look for discounts (and usually it doesn't find any on Amazon, in my experience). And with Honey it basically just tries a bunch of discount codes to see if any work, and then you're still purchasing

This seems likely - there was also a note somewhere (in the FAQ maybe?) that they're not set up to do gift shipping - that is, I think you can only have products shipped to the address that you register at Zinc.

I added a followup but it's not displaying for me - so, apologies if this posts twice.

For what it's worth, I went ahead and signed up anyway. I made a purchase, it saved me a little more than 3% (85 cents on a $19 purchase). Afterward, it noted that it would arrive in an Amazon box, but would not show up on my Amazon account. I'm not happy that it's not going to show up in my Amazon purchase history

VERY Important issue to be aware of... if you have an Amazon rewards Visa and use Zinc, you will not get your 3% cashback credit on your card, because the Zinc charges your card instead of Amazon. I suspected this might be the case and just confirmed with their customer service. It appears that you can choose on a

On one hand, based on your description, it sounds like she approached it in an awkward and perhaps inappropriate fashion. On the other hand, I think it's completely legitimate to establish some of your dealbreakers before taking the time to meet. If having children (soon) were important to me, I'd probably mention it

You sound a bit bitter... sure there are lots of people on dating sites just looking to get laid, but in my (unfortunately extensive) experience in online dating, there are a lot more people looking for actual relationships than just looking for a hookup. Also, unless you're a combination of very attractive AND very

"I really love her but I just don't know what to do for her to give me the yes"

This is the first post I've read by Dr. Nerdlove, and found myself slow-clapping to his response to the second letter writer. He was totally right on the money. The guy is an utter creep, you should cut him off right away, you owe him NOTHING - no date, no explanations. Were it me, I'd be tempted to add a brief

Thanks for the link. Lots of reading later, I found indicators that Apple was working on a fix in the next OS update - which was just posted. I just installed it, and so far, I can't reproduce the problem I was having (e.g. if I close and quickly reopen the lid, it doesn't crash). So here's a hopeful YAY!

Anyone got a fix for this? Every so often, I go to close the lid of my (just a few months old) Macbook Air, and realize just before it closes that there was something else I wanted to do, so I open it back up before it's gotten FULLY closed and gone FULLY into sleep mode. The screen has gone dark, but the keyboard is

Easy explanation for your actual date: "Thank god, I'm SO glad to see you - that guy just start talking to me while I was waiting for you, he was strange!

Wow. That is beyond rude. I would have up and left too. Hopefully after having the presence of mind to throw a drink in his face.

Good points on all the complaints about the "fedora persona" - but they don't apply uniformly to all wearers of said hat. Some guys CAN pull off a fedora or trilby, some can't. My guy is tall, with an enormous (gorgeous) head. Fedoras are too enormousifying (I know, not a word) on him, but with a stylish button down

Most health savings accounts are simply money pulled out of your paycheck before calculating how much will be witheld for taxes. It is not free money, it's just untaxed money. So it's not as if those are free pregnancy tests you're getting. You're getting a discount because the dollars you're spending on them from

This has worked for me consistently since I was a kid too. I think that swallowing a little air is what does it - slurping messily from the front of a glass (encouraging swallowing air) sometimes works too. But yeah, full glass of water, drink from the opposite side, no spillage or splashing necessary.

Well hell, if she said it, I believe her. That shit's hard. If she's trained herself to be able to sing these songs as well while doing acrobatics as in the studio, I'm very impressed!

He was off key pretty much throughout. I mean, I'd imagine the acoustics are difficult and maybe even with the in-ear speaker it's challenging, but I was fairly amazed at how out of tune he was despite the backing music and duet partner that were all in tune. It was painful to hear at times, you could tell he was

As a singer (studied at prestigious conservatory, blah blah etc), my reaction while watching was "there's no way she's singing that live". I would buy singing over pre-recorded vocals, or vocals pre-recorded to have a little sharp breathing here and there to make it more believable - but there were so many flips and