
Lighter fluid (the liquid used in zippos) works amazingly to get sticker-goo off things. It sounds like it would be stinky, but when I worked in a gift shop years ago that sold lots of china, glassware, figurines, etc - we kept a bottle of it at the checkout counter for removing price tags from gifts before wrapping.

I spent several years doing the online dating thing on a bunch of websites before ultimately meeting my sweetheart (we didn't actually meet online - he met a friend of mine online and she ultimately set us up). My thoughts on the different sites (YMMV based on your location - I'm in central NC):

As many have said, I think it really depends on the job. If you're applying for a job doing computer programming, it may be expected that your computer skill set will go well above and beyond basic MS Office. And unless it's a job where computer skills might not be expected at all, putting just "MS Office" without

Or, for under $5, you can put a small, less bulky, not tech dependent, instantly recognizable and readable engraved tag on the dog's collar with the pertinent details. You know, like has been standard practice for as long as I can remember.

EXACTLY what I was thinking. It is entirely possible (even likely) that there is some other factor that affected both things. I'd put more stock into the study's results if they surveyed a large (as in in the thousands) sample of teens who actually watched the show(s) (along with a comparably sized control group of

NO, this is not normal. As a published-many-times cancer researcher myself, I assure you that it is NOT normal to promote in the media an article that has been SUBMITTED to a journal and is under peer review. Doing so gives an impression that the article is affiliated with or approved by the journal (to people who

For what it's worth, after researching a number of options for collaboration, I got my national cancer research network using Basecamp... it had a lot of nice features, but after a year, we abandoned it, because we found people just weren't USING it - they preferred to share and collaborate on documents with DropBox,

I've had Mirena for 10 years now (I'm just finishing my second one and have an appointment to get the third put in). Before that it was 10 years of Norplant (which has the same synthetic hormone, levonorgestrel. I would have gotten another Norplant if it had still been on the market). I love it. The hormone levels

Thanks, this was helpful! I talked to my guy last night about it - I figured rather than making it a surprise, I should ask if he'd dig the fancy thermapen or be horrified that I'd spent so much on it. He didn't want me to spend that much on it and said he's plenty satisfied with his current "instant" thermometer

OK, so what I'm hearing is that my guy's 15+ second "instant" read thermometer is pretty much normal (and not in need of replacement unless I want to pay $100 for the almost-instant version). I don't get how they can call 15+ seconds INSTANT. I also don't get why anyone would want to use one of those instead of the

How fast is "not as fast"? My guy's "instant read thermometer" seems to take 15-20 seconds when I try to use it, which seems WAY less than "instant".

I have a few different "remote" thermometers that let me put a probe in the meat in the oven and see the temp (and/or get notified when it reaches a temp) as well as for candy making, and I dig those, but my guy swears by his instant read thermometer for his cooking/grilling needs. I tried to use it the other day to

Well, then perhaps I should have clarified that UPS/FedEx will not, as a matter of policy, ship liquor or beer to consumers. They will ship it from one licensed business to another, but considering that this comment thread was about a company shipping liquor to consumers, that clarification seemed superfluous. The

Apparently both my comment and the FedEx policies were too long and you didn't read. Nowhere does it say on that page or in the pages linked from it that they will ship beer or liquor to consumers. It is all about WINE shipping policies - the only thing on that page that refers to beer/liquor says that they will only

Homerjay, it's not ridiculousness, it is these companies' polices, according to their webites and from company representatives. In fact, I did an academic research study (funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Substance Abuse Policy Research Program) that was published in the Archives of Pediatrics and

Actually, adult signature isn't the only problem. Shipping liquor is against UPS and FedEx company policies, and shipping it via USPS is against federal law. UPS and FedEx have policies and procedures in place for the shipping of wine with age verification at delivery, but they will not, as a matter of policy, ship

Clearly, you need book darts. (And also, post it sells little tape flags already cut up into strips for marking pages.)

Book darts are AWESOME.

I have to say I disagree with the article and most of the commenters. Being offered the job AT the interview doesn't necessarily mean they're just looking for a warm body or you were the only person they interviewed. It could also mean any or all of the following:

I (and, I think, all my friends) read all the VC Andrews books back in high school (oh GOD was it really over 20 years ago? I feel old), and we loved them. I wonder if they'd really hold up again today. I want to check out the new film (the old one was kind of crap)... and might just have to do some re-reading.