
He’s a tech billionaire venture capitalist with John Galt fantasies. Basically he’s a part of this fringe group of tech billionaires who believe that they (business leaders, private industry) would be better qualified to run the country. He bankrolled the lawsuit against Gawker because they published an article that

White, old, middle class, largely male, Christians living in the flyover states who have become aware that society is evolving past catering to their every whim and seek to claw that dominance back.

I’m sorry. That sounds horrible.:(

Wow wow wow. I can’t even begin to understand that. How do you deal with them?

POTUS is everything gracious and good. I can’t wait to see what fresh hell private citizen Obama unleashes on this shit show, come Jan 21.

Watergate seems positively quaint right about now.

Condescension is the only thing that allowed the civil rights movement to survive. It’s 2016. If dudes can’t figure this shit out on their own, it’s nobody’s job to fucking tutor them.

exactly my neighbor too. 36 yr old jewish single woman on birth control. she is upset that im upset at her, but not actually remorseful for her vote. i want to tell her to look my 8 yr old daughter in the face and tell her you’re sorry for fucking her future and teaching her at 8 years old that it doesn’t matter how


My teen said she was going to a slumber party Saturday night and instead protested outside of Trump’s hotel in DC. #proudmom

This was posted on my friend’s page as he was expressing his disgust for people saying racial slurs. My brain exploded.Talk about tone deaf.

This is vile. Millennials, YOU have a lot of power right now. The holidays are coming up. If your relatives voted for Trump, you have to respect that. And they have the right to disagree on policy. But if your dad, uncle, whomever is using misogynist language or being a bully, you have a choice. You can call your

Minorities and other disparaged groups have tried to warn passive non racist white people that this is how their white peers think but we just get ignored or told that we’re being too sensitive or“I don’t personally know any proud racists so there cant be that many” or that cthe racists are declining and will die

I already called my Congressmen and told them NO very emphatically. I urge the rest of you to do the same! I also tried calling Paul Ryan, but his inbox was full. Hopefully because everyone else is shouting NO as well. We’re going to have a lot of battles to fight over the next four years, and I think that this

This is all, horrifyingly, true.

Yup. Cut people off. Don’t business with anyone’s who supported Trump. I already told my inlaws that’s they won’t be seeing their granddaughter any time soon. She asked me how they voted, I told her, she said she doesn’t want to spend the night or see them. Elections have consequences. My inlaws are about to suffer

We sure as fuck weren’t “we” at the polls the other day.

We just cancelled Thanksgiving with my Fiscally-Conservative-Socially-Liberal-Which-Is-Not-Even-A-Thing-But-Nice-Try-In-Absolving-Yourselves, Trump voting in-laws with a purposely opaque “it’s not the right thing for us to do.” It is making my MIL crazy which, I will confess, is helping my mood this week.

Try “heel spurs” I hear those can get you out of being drafted despite being all accounts an above average athlete at the time.