
I'm really suspicious of all these straight men trying to pressure their partners into having children. It must be really easy for them when they're not going to suffer any of the downsides of having children.

At one point, she asked if he would consider quitting his job to be a stay-at-home father given how much he wanted a baby. "That just wasn't the plan he had in mind," she said.

Yes, by all means, let's continue to perpetuate the idea that a girl is only worth how attractive she is to random men. Forget loving yourself, ladies. Only male opinions on your attractiveness matter. Honestly, it's good to tell girls this in high school so they don't get any dangerous ideas about thinking for

or idk, try teaching girls that they shouldn't give a fuck about High School Bro Boners?

The dude interrupting females thing is SO obvious to everyone who is not a dude. If I could have one wish its that I could get the men in my life to understand that one tiny infuriating constant thing that happens so that we can THEN discuss how sexism affects us all. But they are all (white, black, gay, straight,

Shhhhhh...a man is talking...let's all learn about diversity!

"You're not being sex positive!" Umm, fuck off. I like my shit drama-free. My husband and I fucking Tom, Dick, Harry, Alice Rita, Sue and Bob too seems like it would be pretty fucking dramatic. I like fucking one guy, he likes fucking one woman. Boom! Sex positive.

No gay person I've ever met has claimed that his homosexuality was THE only correct and natural way for any human to be. That's something I've only heard from preachy poly and bisexual people. "I don't discriminate by gender. All I see is human beings." Um, great, but I've only ever wanted to fuck men. Guess I'm just

Polyamory is deeply stigmatized

I smell a murder/suicide in your future.

Lord grant me the strength to divorce the absolute heck out of anyone who tries to talk me into therapy so I can be okay with being cheated on.

Wholeheartedly co-signed. My closest cousin (we grew up in the same house and shared a bedroom, more like sisters, really) and has become a pretty unapologetic evangelist for polyamory. Hard to know if she's more prone to grand-stand about that or her paleo eating habits, another movement founded on simplistic and (to

I have to admit I feel the same way. And finding just one person to date has been enormously difficult and these people seem to be swimming in options. Maybe that's jealousy on my part but it also reminds me of my favorite Mad Men line, one that Peggy dropped on Don, "You have everything, and you have so much of

He's also pointed out that it's damn near impossible for him to satisfy EVERYTHING I need, which is helpful.

This going to be mad judgey and I own that, but this whole thing seems like a way to be a wishy washy non committal person. Which is fine if that's the kind of person you are. But it's like nothing ever has to be hard. Like your partner gets sick, death in the family, job loss, depression, whatever, you become over

The thing about being poly is that nobody in the world cares as much about your freaky Three's Company situation as you think they do, they're just waiting to see which one cracks first under the strain of trying to keep a love triangle in the air like cheerleaders in a pyramid.

OMG thank you. I wish they would stop implying that those of us who want monogamy are fooling ourselves.

36 year old single guy here. Really glad I didn't get married to someone as cruel. I'm single and alone but being married and having my wife tell me I need to accept her dating other men? is grounds for jumping off a bridge.

I dont know how to put my words to not come across as judgemental..ok, maybe since I have an opinion I am judgmental anyway, but then I hope I dont come across too disrespectful. Sometimes it seems to me that our society is getting more and more dehumanized, and as an effect, so become our relationships. I mean I was

Tbh I always kind of side-eye heterosexual polyamorous relationships because I have never personally seen one that wasn't initiated by the straight male partner looking for other girls and his semi-insecure girlfriend just going along with it. Idk seems like it has a lot of potential to develop an unhealthy power