
This is some kind of metaphor for the GOP's attitude towards the poor, I'm 95% sure of it

What I don't get is how these assholes are so worried about vaginas (which, really, I can't imagine getting too wrinkly/floppy/saggy/whatthefuckever ) when men, including the "cosmetic surgeon" quoted in the article, are walking around with things looking like two old, droopy, dried out kielbasa sausages with half the

A friend of mine who shares my chronic single status (we're both misanthropes who don't deal with people constantly in our space very well) once commented that whenever she feels bad about not having a partner, she just spends more time with her straight female friends who do have partners. Their constant stories

Hey Sarah Koenig, I think we have the second season of Serial right here.

I fucking hate my husband. Hate him. Hate his character. He is a misogonyst, racist, power hunger asshole training to be a cop of all people. I'm so scared of how he is going to be with a gun in his hands. He keeps saying, "I'll get training, I'll get training," but they can't train his lack of impulse control out of

I'll try to make this a short and sweet as possible. I stumbled upon Jezebel through I09 because I am a nerd and I do nerd shit. I'm an empathetic type of guy but I never really delved too deeply into the concept of feminism. Until I started reading articles on Jez. Of course I love the puns and snarky comments. But

This comment is a thing of beauty. Not only do you shame someone for acting badly in a thread about "What was the worst thing you've ever done at a New Years party?" where the acting badly = stealing a bottle of off-brand juice with no other bad outcome, but you manage to shade the former Corcoran, obviously dredging

you don't have to be poor to be an artist(obviously) but this looks like more of a "i don't need to pay my own rent" kind of situation instead of a "i need to create to live" one #sorrynotsorry

So... this is like telling someone who's depressed 'cheer up'?

Part of enjoying sex is unlearning years of shame you are taught to feel about your body and your genitals. I had read this piece one by a bisexual man who said when asked what's the major difference between sleeping with women and sleeping with men and other than the obvious he said that women constantly apologize

I found this little peanut in a synagogue garden where neighbors told me she had been dumped with her mom and two sibs; the mother was taken away by the city for biting a kid and the babies were left. I kept her because she was the skinniest and most pathetic of the three and found homes for the two brothers.

It wouldn't be so bad if they hadn't bragged about it so much. It seemed to be more of a humble-brag post about how churchy and "spiritual" the parents are, than about the kids.

I second the "doing things differently this year" rebranding. Come on, calling it "cancelled Christmas" still puts the focus of the holiday on receiving gifts, which they have apparently cancelled. Oh no Christmas is ruined because we need to give to the poors this year!


I know I am going to sound like Judgy McJudgeypants, but I tend to side-eye open relationships. The ones that I know about seem to be "Dude gets to fuck around all he likes and woman accepts it." Someone will tell me I'm wrong, I'm sure.

Wait, it's okay to humiliate your partner as long as your brand is "weird"?

I mean, this is the Gawkerverse. Gossip is a main dish here. He supposedly kept making out with his side pieces in public spaces even though it made her miserable. So open relationship, separate house was apparently not good enough for him.

Candidates must be between 17.5 and 22 years old, must be unmarried/never married, must have graduated from high school, must not use or need glasses, must follow one of the six officially recognized religions in the country, and must be at least 165 centimeters tall (roughly 5'5"). And then there's the virginity test.

Holy shit who is that rescue guy???


I'm going to preface this by saying I think this is adorable and I think a lot of other proposals are adorable. But, as a first generation American whose parents had an arranged marriage, I find the whole idea of proposing to be very interesting. Two people are together for however long and then the girl essentially