
I usually don't re-listen to the shows, but I've gone through #395 "Middle of the Night" from 2009 a couple of times. #346 "Home Alone" and #325 "Houses of Ill Repute" from 2007 were both pretty memorable. The main story leading #268 "My Experimental Phase" from 2004 is very charming. From 2001, #199 "House on Loon

SPOILER ALERT: There's a shrimp sale at the crab crib.

SPOILER ALERT: Adnan has been in prison for 15 years.

Yeah, that's a "not true" alert. It's like calling yourself classy or humble.

Do you really get to decide whether your own heart is in the right place? I mean usually it's said by other people. I mean, maybe because it's just acknowledging that the non-heart parts of you were in the wrong place.

It's funny how whenever men slaughter women for being women, the world has a thousand reasons why it doesn't count and the murderer was just crazy and we should all be talking about anything and everything except how fucking dangerous violent misogyny is. Remember the immediate campaign to "prove" that Elliott

It's true. Women in my industry joke that our jobs are man-repellant. Once you tell a new guy where you work, they usually haul ass for the hills. Why? They know you don't need them financially for shit, so they'll never have the upper hand of providing for you (which can easily turn into a hostage situation). Some

So many men don't want women earning real money because all these guys have to offer is earning power. If women as a whole could close the wage gap, these clowns would have to come to the table with good personalities, good looks, a certain weight/ height, etc. You know, all the shit that women are required to have in

I also really dislike the notion that feminism must fix men's problems. Women have enough problems, and men certainly haven't been helping us. Why on earth are we supposed to, yet again, spend less time on women's issues so we can focus on men? Where are the men on this? The only rights movement they've managed to

Agreed. Expecting women to sacrifice time and energy we very much need for ourselves to fix men's problems for them is toxic masculinity. I'm happy to be supportive and be an ally to men who recognize patriarchy as harmful to them and are working to change it, but they're going to have *gasp!* actually do the work

In my experience, feminists are frequently very aware of the impact of toxic masculinity on men and are, in fact, the only people who actually actively advocate to free men from rigid gender constructs. If nothing else, most feminists recognize that true equality is impossible so long as affiliation with things

This truly highlights what a skilled predator Cosby is. Young drunk girls who were easily influenced by his fame and his drugs. Women who were known for being wild. The narrow notion of what constitutes a real victim is part what allowed this to go on for so long. The other part being the narrow identity of what a

"Penetration by any object 'associated with violence'"

Why is facesitting banned but not 69-ing? Um, why do at least three of these seem to be specifically related to the female orgasm and female pleasure, but none restrict depictions of male orgasm (like pearl necklaces or jacking off onto tits?) I had some friends awhile back that left for CA to get into pro porn

Well shit, now they have to re-write the whole fifth season of Downton Abbey.

Equally appalling, huh? Pointing out that a naked chick shirt is unprofessional and likely to make women uncomfortable is equally appalling to physically attacking a woman for being insufficiently modest, in your opinion? Get a grip.

uh greed.

long story short my boyfriend and I agreed that I should move out of the apartment we share with one other friend, we are staying together but need some space. I found a place with some friends but am kind if getting cold feet because they are a few years younger (21-24) and I just turned 26 and am kind of past the

"Oh please. it was a tragic event where two people made mistakes."

Is there not value in their objective perspective?