
Well, it's my dad's house (I'm disabled and so I live at home and he takes care of me) but it is definitely my home. I feel like if I was a dick to my sister's BF and he decided he didn't want me in *his* house, that would be exactly as fair. I just don't want my sister to be angry with me. I know she'll be upset and

I met a guy online recently, and we had our first date on Friday. I did not feel any chemistry and he looked different from his photos, which turned out to not be recent. But I try to treat others the way I would like to be treated and made pleasant conversation during our date. So, when he sent me several follow-up

Just started my second job this week....teaching painting in bars!! Love it soooo much! I'm like female Bob Ross sans afro....I even said happy clouds lol...

Ugh, ghosting. My most recent....1st date: a brief drink turns into a 6 hour dinner and conversation. We have a lot in common and I start to feel the chemistry. We have a couple of long phone conversations mid week followed by 2nd date: dinner with lots of hand holding, eye gazing. He kisses me under a full moon.

Nope. Wrong. Liberated women are generally enthusiastic about learning more about their bodies and what pleases them, which leads to energetic, experimental, ecstatic sex. Many men, however, don't think sex is anything they should have to work at or learn about, because apparently their Magical Dick Powers just

And I think people are more irritated by the sense of entitlement displayed by many men, rather than the attraction itself.

Because there is a lot more to picking a romantic partner than "I think that person is hot". Maybe that's where it starts, but if you're looking for someone stable, with a job, who has thoughts on the latest New Yorker or whatever, Hottie McFratBoy who only wants to drink isn't relationship material.

Obligatory pics!!!

Whether responding to me or SarahEmCee, you keep missing a very important point that she made which is

Let me just state that I don't for a second buy into guys just not being able to help themselves when it comes to young women because "fertility". Bullshit - it's a total social construct. If it wasn't then women would feel the same "drive" to be with 18-22 year-old males. That's *their* physical prime, from a

That's because the only women they acknowledge exist are conventionally attractive ones they and many other guys want to bang. A woman being shy or socially awkward or unattractive isn't really a woman at all and therefore, doesn't exist in their eyes. Only guys are down-to-earth underdogs that you can feel sorry for

Sure, cultural conditioning impacts our expectations. I very rarely see women who are angry because they aren't attracting men who are far younger and more physically attractive than they are, though. But that is probably because we are taught to privilege men's attraction to us over our attraction to them. And of

it's still a great example of how certain religious requirements blind some people to the real emotional needs of the harmed person they have next to them. I hope your uncle is doing poorly. Since I don't believe in god, I see no need not to hate him for you.

"men's heterosexual activity likely is constrained by female choice." Only if you're talking about the choice of 20-something females. Once the woman hits 30, the power dynamic reverses and stays that way for the rest of her life. Men definitely have the better part of this bargain.

I applaud her courage and strength. But it's important to note that she didn't have to forgive him to be a good person. Forgiveness doesn't make anyone a better person, morally, than people who don't forgive — and if you're in a position like this, you should make whatever choice is right for you and your own recovery.

Er, disagree with pretty much everything you've said here. First, discussing women's gendered sexual behavior in the aggregate without looking at social norms (like, say, a pervasive culture of slut-shaming and the prevalent, global experience of women re: sexual assault/abuse) makes zero sense. So yeah, "we know

I can see this being used to make the argument that women are the ones with the real power. But if real power was sexual power then men would have given up their powerful, esteemed positions a long time ago (especially during WWII when women took over male jobs. Why not tell the women to stay in those jobs while men

women are penalized heavily for showing sexual interest, especially beyond what's considered an acceptable amount. They are also in much more danger sexually and physically if they go pick up guys left and right. So please consider how much women consciously and unconsciously restrain themselves in their sexual

What I got from this is that while men and their heterosexual partners both grow older, what these men are attracted to remains the same, while for heterosexual women, their interest isn't limited to a specific age.

No one is denying there aren't those types of women. The problem is the hypocrisy of these types of men. Women witness it all the time; men are shallow when it comes to looks but get super judgey if a woman is shallow in terms of money. Why is one type of shallowness more valid than another?-Answer: anything men do is