
I think it would have ended with my husband, and just my husband walking down the street. Because I only signed up to take care of the baby I gave birth to.

I hate Sean penn’s stupid fucking face.

She’s the Anne Hathaway of music.

Personally I find it odd that so far every single Miss Universe has come from Earth.

“Wow, what is in that cup?” Anderson asked quietly.

Downloading the remains of my brain for “a good R. Crowe movie.” The Ship thing/Commander = No. W/Ryan= No. Everything else = No. Gladiator? That was Ridley’s fault (shame on you and your crappy commentary).

Carrot Top’s bronze chamber pot, Donald Trump.

Somewhere (in Portland, probably) there’s a machine that spits dudes like those guys out by the dozens. We must find this machine, lest we be flooded with inane conversations about small batch bourbon and banjo / mustache wax.

She’s such a dumb woman, despite her so-called intelligence. She moved the family to Massachusetts to ‘get him away from temptation’, because apparently it was all those women throwing themselves at him that made him cheat (which is her version of what went on). She seems unable to see that every time he stuck his

On a side note, this is exactly why abortion needs to be legal. Women used to die from child birth all the time and people are forgetting that. It’s a major medical event. I hate when people make flippant remarks about “why can’t the woman just stick it out for nine months and let the baby be born?” Because its not

I don’t care what KK does one way or the other, but wouldn’t it be a brilliant PR move for her to get Kanye to donate 1 million dollars to mothers living below the poverty line who get no paid maternity leave as a “push present”?

know what would really be cool though

Car accidents scare the hell out of me, and those photos scared the hell out of me.

No they aren’t.

Can I keep you?

She first helped pimp Jess out in an effort to help Jess make some money of her own... When Jess gave up that money and vocalized Zola’s part in it, Zola was clearly in a dangerous situation. She was already on tenuous ground for refusing to trap, so why wouldn’t she pimp Jess like Z wanted her to? How else could she