
Well, this should give her load of a deadbeat dad husband and all of the Kate haters plenty of ammo to talk about what a horrible mother she is. I don't care how shrill or what a shrew she is, you try supporting 8 kids while your husband runs off to live in the woods and does as little as possible to help provide for

Shame on you.

I never post but I have to say this is an incredibly unclassy thing to do. I'm genuinely disappointed in you guys. While I don't expecting the hight of journalistic standards from Jezebel, I certainly expect better than this.

This is in such poor taste.

Also Missing:

It's not just assets, it's all the reciprocal rights of marriage. If you have more than two people, they cannot be automatically reciprocal. Two-person marriage works as a government institution because it's one size fits all. Every couple that marries gets identical rights and responsibilities with regard to one

Exactly! And consider insurance premiums as well. Most insurance companies have a rate for families which assumes you, a spouse, and your children. If "family" could mean you, 6 spouses and 20 children, the premium for "families" would have to be inflated to reflect this increased acceptance of risk. Which means

lolajolUmwittier1L U
I can't believe I'm defending Texas (my least fav state)....but here goes:

How in the name of King George did he manage to become way more attractive than his older brother? It wasn't meant to be.

As you mention, Costco (unlike Walmart) pays their employees a living wage, with decent health benefits. They can label their merchandise any goddamned way they please.

Bill and Melinda Gates: cool billionaires or coolest billionaires?

Never a regret in 39 years. It was illegal but still the right choice at the time.

Sometimes I do think, "Man! I would have a 10 year old" or whatever, but NOT in a wistful, what-would-they-look-like way. It's a thank-fucking-god-I-don't-have-a-10-year-old-way.

What this guy did was not just stupid silliness, it was physically dangerous for him, and you should probably not be publicizing it as an entertaining stunt lest someone else try to reproduce it and die. (And I have never written such a stick-up-my ass post to any of these sites).