
I really want this to be true

My aunt, who is my older female mother-figure/role model has a visceral reaction to Mad Men she cannot watch it. She's tried, as we are (not closely) related to one of the actors. She can't watch it because, as she says, she lived it.

There’s a sign for one of them outside the local Catholic private school. And I remember the ads in our college newspaper. Sigh.

They’re better at detecting vision problems earlier

As long as your asshole is covered.

Cotton jersey is the fucking worst.

It’s because he shaved his head and he’s not cute anymore. Why? WHYYYYYYY??

10/10 would watch

Carvel is garbage. There, I said it.

It’s a gift. Just smile and say thank you.

But saying we would get a Carvel cake? Oh, come on! We’re at least going to Whole Foods, right?

I was one time disappointed by their ice cream. But I'm wondering if it was just a fluke.

Ugh. Yes. Aldi cheese. Turned me off the whole store.

Eh. But then there's a box to deal with.

They don't by regulation in my county :-(

Welp. If I can't serve Indianapolis-style pizza ta the reception, I guess there's no point in marrying a woman, is there?

I can live with that. Well, for now, obviously.

The Nightly Show has had a few good episodes. I'm still hopeful.

I feel like we should leave her alone. She wanted to be anonymous for a reason.