
I mean, I enjoy a good modern day anime here and there, (have you seen Mob Psycho 100? I just recommend it to everyone who wants something different) but way too much of the medium is clogged up with flotsam about some boring nerd who gets transported to Video Game Land and there’s zero conflict or suspense because

I mean he’s probably gonna say whatever he thinks will increase viewership; he’s not gonna be like “Nah, don’t watch it, it’ll be fine.”

Better to have adapted it well and been unceremoniously cancelled than to have never been adapted at all, I guess.

They show a man in a suit walking down the hallway, we don’t see his face. He sits down at the table and we pan up to reveal: The Squat Cobbler!

There is something equally funny and endearing about watching Aaron Paul, now 42, play a pre-Breaking Bad Jesse Pinkman.

Semantics, it’s TWO handfuls.

“I've been googling legal terms all morning and this is actually a HUGE win for Vic!  In this essay, I will..."   -- Vic's weird fans obsessing over this for several years, probably.

Such a damn shame that he’s tainted Full Metal Alchemist like this but it’s still a great show.

Dude looking like the wish version of Homelander in this picture.

“It’s not like Netflix will keep doing this every two weeks, regularly releasing new episodes of The Sandman until it has a full second season before anyone even realizes… but that would be pretty cool.”

Uh... you just invented broadcast TV schedules... O_o

Because it would have fucked up the narrative flow of the season. Releasing it this way actually draws more attention to it anyway. Instead of one episode buried amongst 10 others, it gets to be a special event. 

Sandman is an anthology series. But it’s not organized like other anthology series; that’s it’s nature. The characters drift in and out of stories that are often only minimally connected to the others, or not at all. Some you see over and over. Some you only see once. As such, it’s a unique example of a series where

We got Hob in episode 6.

There’s so much real stuff you could be negative about, why make shit up?

That isn’t true. I’ve seen a lot of buzz gradually increasing over the past couple of weeks.

The show’s viewing numbers doubled in its second week. It’s looking to become just as huge as Game of Thrones.

The season’s two halves are the first two volumes of the comic, and they actually are integrated more than the comic did (most notably, the Corinthian didn’t show up until Volume 2).

Oh goodie!! I really enjoyed the first “season” so an extra for Friday night after work sounds just like what’s needed.

Haven’t watched much of the show yet but this news makes me excited because it sounds like they are going to embrace Sandman’s partial anthology aspect where sometimes the comic would just tell one off stories that just involved Morpheus or another Endless or just even aspects of the idea of what a dream is.    I hope

That was a nice surprise. It was a good idea to release this separately as episode 10 wrapped up the season’s arcs fairly well and these are stand-alone stories, although an off-screen character in “Calliope” will prove pivotal to the events of future seasons, should we have them.