
The more people getting screwed over by crypto grifts the more awareness gained about it. I love to see it too.

I’ll take my Gulping Gulping Gollum board game with 4 player action please.

I’m not as down on the post-X series as you are (12's got some good bits, the MMOs have their merits, and 13... is there), but I agree with you wholeheartedly. The more S-E tried to chase trends and be more action-oriented, the less it feels like Final Fantasy. They should just plant their feet, make a kickass ATB

Final Fantasy isn’t the thing having issues with adapting, Square Enix management is the problem.

Imagine being so full of hate that you sit down and spend the time to design a mod that removes a flag you do not like in a game. Its some real “angry incel in their moms basement” level energy

It’s funny that the people who call others sensitive snowflakes are the ones getting upset over colored bars on a flag to the extent they have to mod them out.

Real “you calling out my racism makes you the *real* racist” energy.

I mean this isn’t exactly the same as modding out spiders in Skyrim or Darksiders.


Agree on Cloud gaming but I haven’t tried Stadia I’ve only used Amazon Luna. *Through firestick TV its fine and recognizes a Bluetooth Pro Controller. 

“I’m not dead yet! I’m getting better!”

I used Stadia to play Cyberpunk when it first came out, as Google sent me the controller (which is quite good) and a 4K Chromecast for free + $10 off any game. I was honestly really impressed! Google really should have done better here to support/launch it, but its not quite dead yet so who knows. But being able to

Soon MS said they’re adding keyboard/mouse support to cloud streaming. So that’ll be nice to use on my laptop or desktop. They’re also adding purchased games to xCloud, so any digital game that has a cloud version you’ll be able to access it.

I only tried Stadia a couple of times but I agree with their most of their sentiments regarding streaming in general. I’ve mostly used PS Now (now Plus Premium) but have also tried Game Pass streaming and OnLive back when that still existed and had good experiences. Streaming definitely isn’t replacing locally

Miss me with this noise about “too sensitive”. These bros are the first ones to go “ewwwww, stop” as soon as the free-wheeling and edgy conversation turns to something they don’t think is sexy.

I got so angry reading this that I went from seeing red, to seeing white, to seeing nothing at all.

Once Marie was brought into the room, I knew her dialogue almost word for word. Still very raw emotion now knowing it’s only been a year or less since Hank’s death.

I think that’s what drove me crazy. They couldn’t properly explain how the console worked and you’d get completely different answers depending on who you ask. 

It’s fascinatingly disastrous. The complete lack of consistent messaging, trying to push that online requirement which is already a terrible idea and like the week before E3 the Snowden NSA leaks come out XD Amazing.