The Goggles, They Got Their Star Back!


Dear sweet mother of god. The japanese girl with the red eyes is going to haunt my dreams for at least a week.

If you're googling porn, you're doing it wrong.

Correction: with this kind of rig an 8-character password would be cracked in approximately zero seconds, comparatively.


On ultra high settings?

I have no idea, but if I had to take a guess they look a lot like several thin steel cables banded together, like they have for some suspension bridges.

We have a winner!

I'd assume the dissolving condom would contain a fair dose of spermicide in it, probably set to go off at the same time you do.

Am I the only one who thinks this looks kind of awesome? Granted, I'm a dude, and naked women in general are awesome to me. But no two pictures are alike and the effects look really cool. I'd like the overlays and effects even if there weren't naked women in there. But hey, bonus!

Where was this article? I'd love to read it.

I don't think you understand how last names work.


Sorry, I should clarify. Do you always have e-mail active and with you all the time? I sure don't. It eats too much data (if Verizon still had unlimited data, though, I definitely would). And if you do have e-mail with you all the time, odds are it's on a smartphone. Why not just text if the message is coming on the

Yes, let's use a slower method of communication! It'll be awesome!

Yeah. No one thinks to check the displacement before the bird goes in.

My vote is for YYZ by Rush. That would be amazing to hear this thing play.

It should be noted that the CX870 earbuds are out of stock.

Modern Warfare 2 didn't have a flamethrower attachment. You're thinking black ops.

Deep frying a turkey is the way that lazy people do it. Consequently, lazy people also do not read the directions on how to deep fry a turkey, nor are they aware of the basic physical concept of displacement.