The Goggles, They Got Their Star Back!

Me neither, my friend, me neither.

I second the motion for a BattleModo/BestModo. You've done ice cube trays, now for ice cream scoopers. All in favor say aye!

Yes. I've been to Cali twice and the first place I went the second time was straight to In n Out. So good. Five Guys is probably the closest we get to it. (I live on the East Coast)

Who under 13 do you know that has a cell phone? I'd like to punch them in the face. I didn't get a cell till I was 15.

"It doesn't have to be the next iPhone... but that "facebook crowd" are the ones using the iPhone... "

Dear 'Murrca,

Precisely. And as I am nothing more than a poor college student I buy the cheap stuff. :)

Rule 35: if there is not porn of it, it will be created.

Finally I can make macaroni and cheese without some of it sticking to the pot. I hate stirring pots.

No problem. My normal excuse is that historically, musicians made music for their patrons. A musician wasn't a musician if he couldn't perform live - a policy I stick to. They make loads of money from concerts, so I don't see my $12.99 deviance as dishonest "support" for the artist. If I want to support them I'll go

He's missing the blaze orange tip. If he hadn't he might have gotten away with it, but that barrel is protruding a hell of a lot.

It looks like a 20 gauge.

Nope, I think it was COPPA that prevented anyone under 13 from disseminating personal information on the 'net. Hasn't been repealed.

Please RTFA. The mother's name is ReShonda. The daughter's name is not revealed, probably due to the fact that she is underage. Think before you post.

Your excuse is that it's too damn expensive.

Normally I don't click link-only comments but I'm glad I did. Heart click for you.

Come on, guys. It's been almost 30 years. Lighten up.

Came here for some Xzibit. Leaving sorely disappointed. Do I have to do everything myself?

A challenger... wait, what?

Makes me wonder if there's "no support for Windows" because of a basically infinite number of different Windows machines.