The Goggles, They Got Their Star Back!

This might be worth a try for my first shooting challenge... I don't normally enter them since I don't have a high-quality camera, but if we're stepping down to the level of something I can afford it might be worth it.

Instagram is the technique. But you don't even need an iPad to use it, there's Instagram for Android phones as well as iDevices.

What has been seen cannot be unseen.

Why are the people disappearing?

I think Casey has his priorities wrong.

How many calories did I burn replying to this comment with a comment of my own?

That director had us all fooled, but the bang stick was a nice surprise.

The "point" isn't quite that. I have a Twitter, and though I rarely tweet I'm an avid gamer and use it to keep tabs on development studios that I really like. It's good for plenty of things depending on how you use it. Your description? Sounds like Chris Brown.

Quickmeme, my friend. Learn it, love it, use it.

I tried doing that but somehow it didn't work.

And the #1 threat to America...

It's right next to the elbow grease.

He just makes me laugh! He's so incredibly absorbed in his own little world.

I absolutely HATE Cover Flow. If they give me a way to turn that off, sign me up!

Or you could, you know, get a decent point-and-shoot for half the freakin' price.

I know, right? The main reason I got an iPod touch was because I already had a dumbphone (without data) and I wanted a device similar to an iPhone, but not an iPhone.

Some employers require the ability to keep tabs on you. My former job had an anti-defamation clause in the contract, and I was seriously required to be Facebook friends with my bosses. I appreciate that my boss wants to know I am a good person but keeping those kinds of tabs is ridiculous (I got in trouble a few times

"but booth babes are selling boners, I don't often get that from art."

Finally figured out how to get Quickmeme image links. :P

Think about booth babes. They're not even selling anything and they still get paid to stand there and look good. People associate things they like with things they want, especially when the two are in very close proximity.