The Goggles, They Got Their Star Back!

I know what zero-zero, means, you twit. All I'm asking is when and where the pilots ejected.

I'm wondering what they're actually going to be called. Google Glasses or Google Goggles sounds weird, not like something a finished product would be called.

Yeah, I think I remember that's what zero-zero ejection seats were made for - ejecting at the lowest possible altitude. They definitely could have stayed in the plane till the last second which makes me wonder exactly where and when the pilots ejected.

You make the assumption that I'm a complete idiot. I suggest it is you who pulls your head out of your ass.

They literally picked the worst possible place to crash. I hope everyone is ok.

Oh god, if they were iGlasses this entire article would have a different tone. Either way, the general attitude seems to be that they look fine and Jesus' fashion sense is severely twisted against anything non-Apple.

I realize good-looking gadgets have their place in the world but they need to get the function down first. Then they can focus on making it look good. Who's up for Google Glasses 2.0? This guy.

Oh really? I had no idea that political beliefs are inextricably tied to intelligence. I do hope you have some sort of proof.

Does that mean capitalists aren't very good at answering questions?

Gizmodo is supposed to report on gadgets, not fashion. I don't care how the device looks - I care about how it performs. Whoever thinks these glasses are designed to be fashionable (who are you?) is an idiot.

I thought the main reason things like this aren't much of a big deal in the U.S. is because we have those hardcore containment buildings that disallow radiation leakage. Does France not have those?

Most U.S. nuclear weapon testing was done in small, remote islands east of Australia. Stationary designs were tested first, then they were weaponized.

The USSR detonated the bomb at 13,000 ft altitude, and a decent distance above the Arctic Circle line. Nobody was even remotely close to the detonation and I think wind patterns that day were set to sweep fallout even farther north.

The real question is, will it blend?

Not to mention the friction associated with keeping a condom in a wallet.

Yeah, but isn't the point of priesthood to be a holy man at all times? It's not like the priests should just be allowed to go "Well, it's 1:00 in the afternoon on a Sunday. Time to hit the bars and pick up some hookers." An obvious exaggeration, but it's part of the life they've chosen.

Hahahaha you get +1 internet. I love it.

I wasn't trying to use the terms interchangeably, I meant the slash to be treated as an "or". Sorry for the confusion.

Ok, so maybe I'm not understanding this correctly, but this car - if it were a gyrocopter - would need forward momentum to lift off, right?