The Goggles, They Got Their Star Back!

Cecil County. As northeast as you can get in MD! Although back out in Frostburg where I go to college it's roughly $3.70 a gallon.

Your concept is flawed. The tarsals are the bones in your feet. Carpals are the bones in your hands. iTarsal would require special shoes, your concept sounds like it should be called iFanny.

I fail to see how this is even remotely related to the iPad.

That can (sort of) be explained. They did it in a Mythbusters episode once - I think it was the batman one. They just had a post in the ground and put the cable/rope around that. The car pulling the other vehicle was actually moving perpendicular to it. If the truck or whatever they used to pull him was obscured in

Gizmodo writers do some actual investigative journalism? Never!

Of course. It's always Florida. Every funny post I ever see on Giz is from Florida.

It's around $3.60 for premium here in MD. Regular is around $3.35.

I think the term you're looking for is "scourge". You should have put a comma after gain as well. "Hyperbole much" is a fragment. Better luck with English next time!

Not right through it, but you're right, he's definitely casting a shadow while behind it. Clear fake. Thanks for the gif!

I concur with your predictions. I also add one: anyone who claims that Diaz actually believed it is probably going to get banhammered.

Took me a minute to get it! Clever joke.

Pew pew pew!

Quickly, my children. Flood the post with spam and disbelief.

I can tell by the pixels and having seen a few 'shops in my day.

Ha. You think American-made products are the best in the world. You're adorable.

You wouldn't really need a special detector except to pinpoint it. Just sit there with a GPS and when you lose satellite link, off you go.

I hate you for that, but I wonder what the clamp would clamp onto for the ladies... I guess a labium?

Congrats on the star. I lol'd.

Calling someone an idiot while being an idiot is called hypocrisy. Do a better job next time.

I believe that the actual phrase is "j'accuse". #corrections