The Goggles, They Got Their Star Back!

I really wish I hadn't approved that comment. I fed the troll. :(

God I love giz, I learn something new every day.

What the hell are you talking about? They did raising a ship with ping-pong balls. I think it took almost 30,000 of them.

Did you not read the article? The Costa Concordia is sitting right on a rock ledge. If we move it any, it falls off and sinks, and we lose it forever. It's not flat like your picture says.

Gotta say, I like the Mercury suit the best. Shiny silver suits look good - not to mention it's probably the thinnest one in this gallery.

This is probably one of the smartest things I've read on here in a while. You get a heart sir.

"Don't read engadget. They're Android fanboys."

I believe the point here was that Limbaugh was using Rush's music without their permission - a grave violation of copyright law.

"He was hardly injured because he was so high and drunk"

Hamless pebbles? Nooooooo! Not the pebbles! Don't take the ham from the pebbles!

Is it just me, or does Apple's iPad section of the website look horrendous right now? Everything is out of place and overlapping.

I'm not insinuating that people who smoke pot are unproductive members of society, if that's what you were thinking. I'm saying that pot makes some people unproductive. And a lot of times that's perfectly okay with me. Friday nights, or weekends in general, who really cares?

Quality article! This is the kind of stuff I originally came to Giz for. I learned a lot, most importantly an awesome new word - "super refraction" - to inject into my everyday conversation.

I know. You should see how realistic Spongebob looks.

Being a productive member of society.

I used to have economy service from Comcast. Download speeds at roughly 800 kbps. It was a nightmare.

Exactly. Though I wish this technology would come out to my university sometime soon. A 10 Gbps backbone here means an average of 50 kbps, speedwise. I miss my FiOS.

Promoted, but failed for the star. Maybe next time.

They said it was "dragline" silk, the kind they dangle from. Must be non-sticky. I'd imagine they save whatever makes it sticky for their webs.