The Goggles, They Got Their Star Back!

Because there exists such a thing as a federal minimum wage...?

Hahahaha damn, gonna have to get something to fix that.

They're pretty handy. SBSettings is easily my favorite, but there's one called SnowCover that allows swipe controls for music from the lock screen. Pretty handy.

I can't find iKeyEx anywhere, is that only for iPhone? I have an iPod Touch 4g.

They're really not bad, my friend has a pair. They can be a little overpowering though.

I agree, especially with the food analogy! I never add anything to my steak, and people always wonder why I don't put A1 or something on it. I stand by my argument of if it's good enough to eat plain, I will enjoy it. The same stands for headphones. If it's good enough for me to play through my awful laptop speakers,

I agree, that's kind of a pain. But I share my Netflix subscription with 3 other people (we all live in an apartment together) and we use it mostly for streaming TV shows. Sons of Anarchy, Mythbusters, Family Guy, etc. We do watch the occasional movie and usually it's something we find by browsing the recommended

So what? What's wrong with "plain old Windows"? Last time I checked it's still a pretty boss OS.

You win the prize for funny comment of the day.

Don't tell my girlfriend that!

Holy boobs, Batman!

Good news, everyone! We're a terribly ignorant country!

That "conspiracy to commit money laundering" charge sounds fishy to me. I smell bullshit... and lots of it.

I kind of agree. It made me think "oh, what a pretty blue sky" instead of "Jesus H. Christ on a crutch, that's an incredibly powerful weapon".

Seems like Coons' page loaded right up, but Carper's page took a full minute. (Senators from DE)

What a shameless plug. I feel better knowing that I'm not going to visit your site.

You make me proud sir. I was just about to grab it and post it.

Unless you're an Apple fanboy! :P

I love you so much right now.

The video doesn't say anything about clubbing baby seals.