
You think maybe you want to send Justice Sotomayor an amicus brief?

I think Kagan at least should be able to conceptualize the internet for what it is. She was Dean of Harvard Law until relatively recently, which puts her in the position of interacting with young(er) people that use technology a particular way and being forced to use that technology in order to communicate with them

No offense to the author but this is one of those times where I'm like, "Well hell if they'll give you a book deal for that..."

Right now, Justice Scalia is super torn, because while he strongly leans toward ruling in favor of this dickbag's right to threaten his ex-wife with impunity, he's uncomfortable with the idea that he may, however indirectly, be endorsing rap lyrics. Or the Internet.

Don't forget the sansabelt pants and the coveralls for men's leisure wear.


Well, then, I hope you're very happy with NBA All-Star Paul Mokeski:

Whatever decade the Paleolithic Era was in


Is this even up for debate? The 70s were the ugliest by far. In all of human history.

Personally I think things got a bit ridiculous in the 1770's.

I was born in X

I agree with everything except the fact that she can't go on to a legitimate career. It may be more difficult for her to become a lawyer than her unknown counterpart , but much of life is not what you know it's who. I'm sure she have rubbed elbows with people who would hire her (and not as an escort or other sex

She had only been doing porn a short time before she was found out. … so I don't think she was committing fraud. Financial Aid is assessed yearly.

So what? Nobody cares about Wyoming except about 2% of their populace. Otherwise they wouldn't be so hell bent on completely destroying their ecosystem. You couldn't pay me enough money to drink Wyoming water. The air in Mexico City and Los Angeles is cleaner. That's not hyperbole.

We shouldn't have standards? So if a teacher wants to teach creationism in science class, you'd be okay with that? Because that's what removing standards would get us, among other things.

There's a disturbing trend among politicians and their ilk to treat facts and science as a matter of opinion.

You know what would be even worse for Wyoming's economy? Raising a bunch of science-illiterate students.

You know what else would fucking wreck Wyoming's economy?! Environmental catastrophes caused by irresponsible business practices and ignoring warnings about the impending doom of climate change. Yes, climate change is unsettling because the UN says we're all in for plague, famine and war, but there is no such thing