Neville Ross

Would it be enough for you and others to make the video games you want to see instead of forcing companies to do them for you? That’s how all this started.

No, they shouldn’t; stop that bullshit. It should be enough to attack this Milo for what he is already than to hurt other people named Milo.

You haven’t proven anything other than you are a typical neocon idiot, and as with most neocons, you love to come up with nonsense to try and prove your point.

You get a star for defending your position, sir/madame.

It doesn’t.

Remakes are not a dubious tradition anymore than revivals of plays and musicals are in the theater.

acarney, go and fuck yourself. You are not owned the right to have nobody not make a remake of a favorite movie, ever. The Ghostbusters franchise belongs to Sony, they tried to get a third movie with the original actors, one of them didn’t want to do it, then one of them died and then it was a fait accompli that there

Again, why should Paramount and CBS pay for something they already own? Do people like you know anything about copyright, or how a business is run?

Then don’t be a patron of the Star Trek franchise anymore, buttercup. You’re not owed the same version of it going on and on without a reboot; CBS and Paramount wanted to do one, and they did it.

Sorry, but that’s bullshit, straight up.

Again, why buy something that one already owns? That, as Mr Spock would say, is illogical.

Why would they want to buy something that they already own?

Guess what, sunshine; he’s doing it anyway, as is Obama. Why? Because that’s what adult leaders of nations do, even if they are politically opposite each other. You and others like you are why Trump won the election (and I say this as a liberal that detests Trump.) It’s respect for the office, plan and simple. But

Hope (and work) toward it not getting passed, then, instead of just blabbering here at Jezebel.

Excuse me, but as a matter of decorum expected of ex-Presidents and their spouses, they are at a ceremony for the peaceful transition of power-no more, and no less. You don’t have to like Trump (I sure as fuck don’t), but you can at least respect the office this far.

The other reason is because they’re acting on the orders of/working in hand with their ‘church’/Christian ministry to ‘save souls’ and enforce ‘God’s word.’

Good; start to do that, and encourage other to also be voting instead of listening to emoprogressives telling you your vote is worthless.

Not quite. Read what they have to say about the red pill, and you’ll get it.