
Is it against lego rules to use adhesive? Sometimes I see lego creations that look like they couldnt possibly be done with the way legos connect. Unless there are some extremely versatile legos out there I have not seen that allow you to build out in all directions and at odd angles.

@Stabcarrot: I will disagree with you there. I'm not saying I didn't give it a shot. I had a myspace account back in 2005 when it was cool and new, and I had a facebook account in early 2006 before it was open to people outside of the college crowd. So it didn't pass me by. I tried it and found it was not my

I love technology, and I am determined in my later years to not fall behind like I've seen my grandparents do, but I simply can't get interested in social networking.

@5Monkeez: "Pocahontas" in outer space, too.

@KBlack: It doesn't burn hippy balls because the burning is a result of the cleaner coming in contact with vaginal residue left behind after sex.

@Curves: If I were a girl, it's what I would do. Stare at my crotch...

@Arcane: I still think the shame lies with the Smart Cars.

@OMEGAMAN: Exactly. I don't see the reason to put all my chips in one branded basket.

@DoubleHH: Yes, all I did was use the unrevoked rooting tool, then went to the dev site for wireless tether. Installed and it works brilliantly. There's the DUN hack which lets you use the built in wireless hotspot, but verixon can detect that, and I don;t want to take the chance of having to fight that battle.

I was all gung ho about getting an Android tablet. After being disappointed for months at no aparent prospects, I began to change my mind. I decided that as much as I love Android, I hate fanboyism even more. So to prove to myself I wasn't a fanboy of anything, I took an objective look at the tablet situation and

@Die Fledermaus: Yes. They can also be used to fund the entire operation. For years to come.

Why would recycling initiatives need donations? Wouldn't the collection of free materials be a money making enterprise?

@computermann24: Glad to hear you're alright. Good thing you are in a developed country where things like this are scary and cause a good bit of damage, but don't hurl the country into one of the lower rings of hell.

@TheMightyBuzzard: That's what I do. When I order a drink at the bar, I ask for a cup of water. I down the water before I walk away. Works wonders, though I have to piss a lot more.

@tonym94: Rodents of unusual size? I don't think they exist.

@blub: The Giz is all up in the man's face! I repeat, the man has Giz all over his face!

@Bryanv2: Are those like the modern variant of Betty Davis eyes?

Outstanding. Every time I see that commercial, my wife remarks how cute she thinks it is, and I just hold it inside that I want to reach into the TV and throttle that kid.

@randalotto: All who commented above, it's true, I did forget that they get money off every purchase I make, so that amounts to quite a bit.

@saltboy: We're the types of people credit card companies hate. They don't make a penny in interest off us, and they foot the bill for our Christmas plane tickets every year. Suckers!