
I really liked the concept and execution. It was fun.

There was never a comment here. Go about your business.

@KamWrex: "I, Hatchet Jack, being of sound mind and broke legs, do leave my rifle to the next person who finds it, Lord hope it be a white man. It is a good rifle, and kilt the bear that kilt me. Anyway, I am dead.

@footbomb: You just described the rampant abuse of the welfare system in this country.

@rsbennett001: I can agree with you there, if I were a fire fighter, I would go in and save the animals, then let it burn. Loss of life is different.

@Binja-man: That makes no sense. The 2008 census put Obion County's population at 31,375 people. A $0.13 tax, if paid by all resident including children, would only net $4078.75 per year. Hardly enough to fight fires county-wide. Probably not even enough to fight a single fire.

@michael: "I don't think anyone in their right mind would think that is acceptable either or think that it is even remotely related."

I always find it interesting when a policy exists for an extended period of time, but no one complains about the policy until they get the bad end of the stick. No one had a problem with this annual fire protection fee until a house burned down.

@minjin: You beat me to the punch. I lov cashing checks on USAA's Android app and having it available immediately. Not everyone can get USAA, though.

If Pantone were a company known for their bike-mounted, rechargable, solid-fuel rockets, then the price tag would make sense.

There's no way they can be anywhere near accurate, but I'm sure we've learned a lot in the process.

I suddenly feel guilted into donating to an anti-hunger charity...

@SageofMusic: Ah, I see, you were calling people who buy it morons, not saying Mormons are morons. My bad.

@Mr. Mastodon Farm: Have you tried to shoot textured vegetable protein in the wild? That stuff moves, and is hard to track to begin with. Better to get the farmed stuff.

@SageofMusic: Yeah, I hate Mormons too! Bastards always making generalizations about entire groups of people. Oh how I hate them so!

Looks like Jobs needs to go to summer camp!

@S.T.R.: There are more decks than the flight deck.

3.1 square kilometers