
I firmly believe that everyone who says sushi is their favorite food is lying to sound trendy.

If it's tied down by a contract, forcing me to stay with it for two years and pay for two wireless data plans from the same provider...

@Goku1gk4: Hey, any debate that can end civilly is a good one. I'll make one last point. spirituality has been disproved to you. Proof is not a blanket generality. What is sufficient proof to one, is not to another. The "proof" I have seen against spirituality has been geared towards the mind that already

@Goku1gk4: Sorry to reply a third time, but after this post, I'm done with this discussion, most likely. I understand the difference between us.

@Goku1gk4: To respond to your second paragraph, I don't believe religion should be handled through logical dispute. I believe that all one must do is go about finding out if it's true. Once you know it's true, then you go about living in accordance with it.

@Goku1gk4: I don't know if you meant to do it or not, but using childishly simplistic terms to describe things and make them sound ridiculous is a very low method of trying to discredit something. You've made it so I'd have to go through and reword every part of your list or just accept it as is and give some kind of

@Goku1gk4: It's pretty easy to believe in only parts of the Bible. The Bible is a book which has been translated and retranslated and pieced together and ripped apart over centuries. What remains is true, but is not meant to all be taken literally, and not all of it was written to nor does it all apply to us today.

@Goku1gk4: Oh, my beliefs are very logical to me, just likely not to you.

@Goku1gk4: If my theistic beliefs were the result of someone's intellectual argument, they would be on pretty shaky ground, so I don't suppose any argument I could pose would be enough to convince you. And it shouldn't.

@QuidiVidi: Thanks for the in depth info!

It must be able to print something awesome...

@spoonTRex: I'm not looking for an argument, nor do I feel you are over simplifying. I believe that the purpose of life is to experience joy. We just differ in the belief of how long that joy is supposed to last, and whether it will amount to anything.

@Striker0528: But what is color other than a different wavelength interpreted by our brains?

I noticed the other day while using my webcam that I could see the IR bulb light up on my remote control in the image on screen.

@Powerlurker: That fits right into the idea that the universe as we know it was created then, and not that somehow a universe blipped into being.

@spoonTRex: I can't imagine living life with my only goal being to minimize pain and maximize pelasure. I'd feel like a mouse in a cage trying to figure out a complicated series of pedals which deliver food pellets or shocks.

@barryfell: Don't equate religion with blind faith. Blind faith is a flaw in the character of the person and can occur with any belief, even those dealing with science.

@Whitestrake: Let's bring it down to the simplest level. Do you believe that people actually make choices, or based on physical laws all actions are predermined and inescapable?

@theamazingpete: So prior to the big bang, was there energy, or do the laws of thermodynamic not apply in the big bang theory?