
You just can't improve on this!

@\m/ chaosphere \m/: I think my friend had that on his Sega, but whenever I went over, we ended up playing Altered Beast.

I just haven't been able to get interested in any sports games since Double Dribble and Track & Field...

@Killjoy: How many of those people are married and living on two incomes? That would probably bump it close to or over 50%

@. . . . Xterm11: yeah, I didn't have a data plan in college, but that was because they didn't exist at the time, at least reasonably.

@(Xeraphim): With a USB port, you can marry it to whoever you want. Even 4G through Sprint.

Throw an Android tablet in the mix, and you'll have my undivided attention!

@. . . . Xterm11: Most people make over $100,000 in that time period, so spending 1-2% of your income on something that will be put to good use every day and keep you conencted to everything really isn't a bad deal.

It appears to come pre-loaded with Android 2.2. That's the real news here...

@Scott Jackson: Another point I hadn't thought of, using the plastic to make a mould...

Here's my perspective:

@G3mpi3: How good is your timing?

@whatne1wuddo: Hopefully they can get it out before the future becomes the past and the future of other companies becomes the present.

@acidrain69: Good point. Just being able to scan it would be handy to start with.

@vinod1978: Actual question, not rhetoric: Did Vista not sell well?

@Kerensky97: That made me wonder what they have in design stages right now.

I can't think of too many car parts than can be replaced by a plastic substitute. At least parts that deal with its engine or drivetrain...

@Drummertist v.2: There's a reason Apple doesn't get on them for their designs looking so similar: It's tough to claim minimalism as your MO and then have a problem when other people's stuff resembles yours.