
If you REALLY want to see how much Lupin changed, compare the newest stuff to the original Manga.

Don't care what the haters say, Link's Awakening is truly the greatest Zelda title.

Which is fine. But the quote we're disputing is "Super Metroid was the first game to set up the paradigm of making Samus lose all her gear at the beginning of the game, only for you to find all of it again."
Note, "first game." It was, in fact, NOT the first game to set up the paradigm. Metroid 2 was. The fact that the

Where it's set in the universe's timeline doesn't really matter. Chronologically, Metroid 2 established the "loose all your stuff, start from scratch" trope that followed through the rest of the series.

Dragon Age Inquisition. Logging in dozens of hours.

3d isn't the original Wolfenstein! *table flip*

Except it was never released on mac. Just because development started there doesn't mean it's a "mac" game.

Happy to help!

There's a button in The Keep that says "Export to DA:I", which I assume you click that, then make sure you sign in to the Origin servers. Beyond that, I'm not certain, as my copy arrives tomorrow.

As I give exactly zero sh*ts about the overall Assassin/Templar arch and the modern day segments, I'm quite pleased to hear they're gone. The rest of the news, however? Less so.

As royally f*cked as this all is (Methinks I'll hold off on getting a copy for a while) I'm honestly just shocked to see someone actually using "ping".

Exactly. And if not getting a cloth map (Everyone still gets a print one) and a deck of cards is what it took to make sure the Witcher 3 reached as wide of an audience as possible, I'm okay with that.

Okay, what content is it? And I don't mean physical items, I mean game play content. 'Cause I've got the Gamestop pages up for XB1 and PC, and the only difference I'm seeing is a cloth map (Every copy of the game, period, gets a print map, normal or collectors) and the cards.

The $160 collector's edition of The Witcher 3 on the XB1 gets an additional deck of cards and a cloth map. Nothing more. The game content remains unchanged. Even I don't find that worth fretting over.

Seeing how they started (Localizing Baldur's Gate for central Europe) and how big they've grown, along with the success of GOG, not to mention Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 looming in the future, I don't think they're going anywhere anytime soon. I just wish more companies would follow their lead.

Well, I'm know I'm something of an oddity, but I constantly hear people rant and rave about how terrible Origin is, and how Valve is the greatest company ever, but when I load both programs I just look at them and go "seriously, what's the difference?"

It boggles the mind that Bungie was going on and on about how multiplatform would allow them to show their vision to everyone equally, and then when it got close to actually releasing the game, they do the exact thing that they were saying they wanted to get away from.

Just another reason CD Projekt Red is far more