
Only clicked the link to confirm that someone immediately came to the defense of Lying Cat.

God damn you are fast. Had the exact same pic ready to go.

Oh yeah, if this is anything like Transformers Devastation I am all in.

Yussss. Transformers Devastation is one of the most fun brawlers out there. Its a classic along with the likes of TMNT II The Arcade Game

Mass =/= Weight, plot hole alleviated, science.

Was the icebreaker change really necessary? Seriously? Why not beef up weapons instead of watering themdown. Want to fix the gjallarhorn problem? Pick to rocket launchers and make them suck less. Hunger of Crota is a fantastic rocket launcher. It’s usually one rocket shy of the same effect. Add to its legend. Make it

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. That game had such a rich world, great plot, and excellent action, all of which could be magnified on a next-gen system.

I'd like to see Shin Megami Tensai Nocturne HD on Vita, Lost Odyssey HD on Xbox One and Onimusha HD Quadrilogy on PS4.

The toy is so realistic, it even has the one instance of battle damage on his chest. Seriously, the guy basically blows himself up multiple times a game and has a little burn mark? What the hell?