
If you are okay generalizing others you have to be okay being generalized as well. So let me guess you're not good at math? See how that goes?

Preach!...she is quite often very offensive and its amazing to watch most of the commenters her nod along to her bigotry. I mean who is going to disagree with a black woman regardless of what it is she is saying. Its sad

You're commenting on a website that posted the pictures for people to look at and you seem to see no harm in doing so.

Wait where's the empirical proof you speak of? There can't be any because it doesn't exist in this case. If you say it's the best because it is stringy well how do we know stringy is good? All you've done is manage to prove in a rather circular manner that people like mozzarella on thier pizza which is something we

Oh the configure dissonance !

A DE's job is mostly to rush the QB. If Sam was a rush specialist he wasn't going to be cut he'd be more like on his way to being the next Simeon Rice. Referring to a DE as a rush specialist is like calling an RB a running specialist

so easily do we forget the best oil for frying anything before we were all conned by bad science in the 60s to abandon it. LARD! Pure rendered pig fat

"But it's kind of hard to do that when you have no soul to start with.

Go fuck yourself

so what so we do with that information?

What did you expect to find?

as a black man, I liked your take on the mike Brown stories so I really don't want to see you as a racial instigator but was that really called for? Did anyone blame this on the French occupation of Algeria?

by "soccer" what or who exactly are you referring to? ... If there's a fight after a basketball game in Cyprus what would it mean to say basketball needs to figure shit out

Interesting... I have a negative view of insulin spikes but I guess in this case it could be "not harmful". I worry a little because most amateur lifters don't actually work hard enough to for this to be very helpful to them so they end up consuming a lot of sugars for no reason. I tend to be of the mind that

define good for you.... is it good for you like muscle gainers are good for?

I'm not on facebook or Linkedin but how exactly do they know what your real name is? Do you have to provide a birth certificate?

Yup this is now what "trolling" means.

I have been thinking this as well but considered it in bad taste to ask. How the fuck do you determine a lack of consent from a gif?