
Ugh enough with the juvenile trolling accusations. It doesnt appear you know what the word means.

I have no idea what the first part of your comment means. You'd prefer the song to focus on crime and poverty? My guess is if it did you'd complain about that. Also every wc song ever had been culturally "washed".

when you say pitt bull is bad what exactly do you mean? Is this something you can show objectively or just your own personal opinion. I don't like pitt bull either but I wouldn't say he is bad since there is little objective means of judging music.

No one ever liked a song because it has international representation. I don't think one needs to provide a reason for not liking music since there often no coherent reason. The most liked wc song was a Puerto Rican guy singing about the French event. Everyone ignored all the issues with that because the song sounded

I don't get it there is concern for both Hard Knocks and reality shows of all kinds. You can make the point that there shouldn't be any concern for Sam's reality show without using a faulty equivalence. NFL teams generally avoid being on Hard Knocks as well as reality shows of all kinds. Yes the impact of such

Again Hard Knocks is a bad example since teams are not clamoring to do it.

NFL has policies in place to force teams to do Hard Knocks... thats a bad example yo.

I am not sure what the point of this is, I find no issues with a murderer turning someone else in for murder. Humans are very complex creatures, the existences of a very nefarious and opportunistic side in all of us thankfully doesn't keep the us for standing up for what is right when need be. Quite frankly if it did

Mine is actually basketball related. "You can't go for the pump fake!". Hey dipshit obviously no one knew it was a fucking pump fake. Essentially you're asking for defenders to never attempt a shot block until the ball in the air and it is too late to block the shot. Every shot attempt starts out looking like a pump

Jesus Christ that was good

"There were brain farts on both sides. OKC had no timeouts left when it needed one—that's on coach Scott Brooks"

a bald head looks much better... hopefully it is empowering and healing since I think a lot of people wouldn't find it beautiful.

is there any room to consider the possibility that black and white players are different enough in the real world to require different descriptors or are we going to simply assume everyone but us is racist?

oh my fault didn't know you are the asshole everyone was talking about

Can you expand... what is the problem with Nigeria in general?

Nigeria did not kidnap anyone so punishing the entire country will only help Boko Haram. There is nothing to boycott here so you can come up with another ineffective passive form of activism.

That is the issue with presenting this discussion here. If you don't know who Charles Barkley is or much of anything about the show there's a very good chance your out-of-context understanding will be less than accurate. Again the point remains that the following "The enormous man in the ill-fitting suit " is

Big clearly means fat in context. Barkley is famously undersized as a basketball player. He is one of the "smallest" power forwards ever

While we're at it whatever the paparazi is doing in the video should be illegal.