
I understand this is not a good idea but what is vitriol about again? Am I missing something about the story? Should I be angrier?

The video has nothing to do with the accompanying text

Nailed it!

OK so the reason why I keep coming back to the same point is clearly the context of this discussion and where we are having it. You seemed to have started with a position consistent with the ideology of this website which is to deny differences are biological because if it was then the bad guys win. That is why I keep

How much have you donated to the families? If you're wasting time here you must have some disposable income you're not curing cancer with

The answer to that isn't trying to make girls abandon dolls, denying an obvious fact or making up inane rationalizations for it. The answer is to simply argue for equal treatment whether or not girls like to play with dolls

Why should society be built around emphasizing gender differences?

I could ask you the same question. What is purpose of denying they are biological? What is the purpose of insisting that behavioral differences we observe in both sexes must necessarily be cultural even though we know this is not the case for any other species. Why forward a theory that we are born essentially blank

I think the burden of proof would have to be on the side of the argument arguing there has been significant changes. If I asked you if you are the same person you are since yesterday and you said yes. It would be on me to prove that you aren't since when left to their own devices stuff doesn't change unless it is

This article more generally is addressing behavioral differences. There is no such thing as a Princess Culture that is worth talking about from a biological gender differences perspective just like the false arguments about no one being genetically predisposed to like pink or drive a red civic or play Call of Duty are

Ok so is your point then that gender differences is biological... you were agreeing with a post that is arguing it wasn't.

Ah sorry you're asking us to correct you if you're wrong about the theory of Natural Selection. Like that is still up for debate.

If I said the prevalence of heterosexuality in humans was socially constructed would you agree? If not how would you argue against that position since before you reach puberty most kids have been bombarded by a society that is heavily invested in promoting heterosexuality.

Sure you can get a tan by sitting in the sun or get fat by eating too much or become depressed if shit happens to you but I assume that is not what you are talking about in which case yes you are wrong. Environment affects biology by natural selection. Natural selection doesn't act in one or two generation but over

If I said the prevalence of heterosexuality in humans was socially constructed would you agree? If not how would you argue against that position since before you reach puberty most kids have been bombarded by a society that is heavily invested in promoting heterosexuality.

"Can we all agree that marriage is a constitutional and civil right for every American?" .... Not really

The bench press only tells you how much someone does bench press... that kind of strength is largely non transferable.

Never established any goal posts. I made it clear in my first post that even if someone made the claims the op posited that there was still no need for the reaction.

Well then I stand corrected and as a result just lost the will to live because some blogger has an opinion about having kids.

Yeah so no one is saying that even if they were I fail to see why anyone would take it very seriously. I don't have kids, I don't want kids but let's assume one believes having kids was the only way to the best kind of happiness I am not sure why that should never be written just in case folks who can't or don't want