
Hmm... I am reading this on my laptop right now and my Samsung Galaxy S4 phone is right next to me. There are natural challenges with smaller devices that I do not see going anywhere any time soon unless part of this plan also involves miniaturizing humans.

That sounds a lot like jibberish. Want kind of factors exactly will make a ski jump course favor flexibility?

If there was more to be said why do you think you'd be able to think of it? I can't think of anything you'd have to say to your friend in any situation but that is mostly because I haven't been hanging out with either of you

It appears you answered your own question. Might as well have asked why soccer players cared if they win or lose a match.

Occupation were you are hired strictly on physical appearance is somehow dickish about making sure you maintain said physical appearance.... more at 10.

I don't think that would work but its certainly an interesting thought. Its not clear to me that there is an economically viable demand in the US for women's club soccer but your idea is intriguing I can see how it could work and I can also see how it might fail just as easily.

Its not clear how this would be profitable for anyone to organize, lucrative enough for players to participate in or compelling enough for fans to show up to. You're talking about a tour of friendlies between "All-Star" teams. I mean who do I show up to root for?

Depends on what you mean by "work".

Actually a society cannot exist without people in it. We are society, there is no ghost in the machine. Your premise is essentially that future people will act different if they had existed in the present or past simply because they are future people but they aren't acting different because present people are leading

Oh that is going to be a problem .... he seems under sized

So what we are discussing here is root causes. In that sense your argument is severely incoherent. Essentially you're saying women care about their looks either because

What the...? Are you serious? Then we shouldn't tell ANYONE to not do ANYTHING wrong, because, you know, screw the counterproductive effects it may have on the individual and society as a whole. By your logic, we shouldn't have law and punishment, because why should we tell people what to do, even if it's, like, bad

Since you are so smart may be you can tell us why the cops will attempt to murder innocent people. You've eliminated honest mistake from the realm of possibilities so what's the motive? Remember if you think it's self preservation then you are also saying they had to believe it was Dorner in the suv which will then

The point is that women want to enlarge their breasts and that is why the breast enlargement industry exists. The existence of implants did not in itself create the demand for breast enlargement. If I started mass producing and marketing thigh implants it is unlikely i could create a demand where one does not exist

You're starting the book from the end. The mega billion dollar beauty industry emerged because there was demand to be served and disposable income to pay for the supply not the other way around. The supply did not arrive first.

You do make a very salient point. Once in a while you need to be reminded that "society" isn't something that is imposed on us from on high or something that just fell from the sky. It is us. We are society, there is no ghost in the machine.

Of course I agree they should've made every effort to determine the truck was in fact Dorner's. The question is given the conditions what does "every effort" mean. We know for sure its not asking the driver for ID to make sure its not a look alike. So essentially the identification effort is necessarily going to be

If you are looking at an SUV you believe to be occupied by a deadly killer. Any sound emanating from it that remotely resembles a gun shot will sound like one to you. Undergoing training does not make them super human. For example the McGurk effect will fool all of us every time even if I tell you what is going on.

You know now that the truck had 2 innocent women, the cops did not have this information at the time. If you were a cop do you imagine you could ever make a mistake? They are in a life and death situation, where some guessing is required and guessing wrong gets them dead. We cannot give law enforcement weapons and ask

Because you have never made an honest mistake in life or at your job. Why exactly would cops decide to open fire on innocent citizens? What exactly is a good reason to shoot at them? Obviously they were working under the impression this was Dorner who had already killed 3 innocent people and may be more if he wasn't