
Its not clear to me why you would keep a side chick if you are not attracted to the side chick. Attractiveness is not about acceptability, attractiveness according to the Daniel Kahnemen model is a system 1 activity acceptability is a system 2 activity. In other words attractiveness is usually instantaneous and

Well, okay as long as no one is being assaulted then that perception of black women appears to be somewhat under their control and I think fails to justify the accusation of gross hyper sexualization by the general public. The world isn't always neatly divided into a tug of war between oppressors and victims.

What evidence do you have that elderly women are raped at a comparable rate than younger women? 80% of rape victims are under 30. If rape is not about sexuality it wouldn't discriminate by sex. Actually you'd expect more men to be raped by other men since men are many times more likely to be victims of violent crime

Why would you hypersexualize a group you find least desirable? Perhaps because the hypersexualization of black women is built upon racism

Do you have a prognonsis of when or what would cause society to consider giving us a different message or possibly when we could become self determinant enough to either not listen or sponsor a message that say tells white people they are at the bottom of the barrel. It appears we are simply at the mercy of this

Yeah so no one ever said anything about being deemed fuckable as a humanizing equalizer.

Can you suggest a word that corresponds to how one would feel about someone they would only have sex with if "attractive" is not it? I don't know about women but men generally have little purely sexual interest in people who aren't attractive.

Yeah but there's no reason to believe he is reserving the term for only black women.

Yeah so no. There is no good reason to hypersexualize a group you find least attractive where more attractive groups exist. The sexuality of women is a parts business. This applies to women of all races. If black women were more sexualized by the general public than any other women black porn wouldnt be simply a niche

But that is my point you couldn't both be considered unattractive AND good enough to titillate. Titillation runs strictly on attraction and sexual desirability. Life partnership for most people requires more and sometimes downgrade the ability to titillate for other deeper traits.

So is your socialized reasoning any more legit than what any black man who prefers white women would offer? Also does it even matter why they do?

For all practical purposes there is no reason to consider why people physically find white women more attractive as the op I originally replied to stated. If black women where most attractive that will still be as vulnerable to constructionist explanations as any other preference.

Hmmm okay so the minority of men who find black women attractive are responsible for their sexualization... ok that's plausible. I find it hard to believe but I don't have any good arguments to oppose the possibility so you may very well be right. Now is it possible to explain why black men would do this to their own

So have you just fucking examined where your preference for fine dark skin black men came from?

Instead of homework you could also just give me the answer. Also interesting definition of closed minded your have there.

Yeah so no rape is mostly about a desire for sex if it wasn't we wouldn't see a steep drop off with increasing age of the victim nor would chemical castration be effective since that eliminates the sex part. A 65 year old is simply not as likely to be a victim of rape as a 25 year old even when you control for

Can you just tell me what the black feminists have to say about the apparent contradiction of black women being considered unattractive and then over sexualized? It's kind of a straightforward contradiction.

The idea that no one will ever have racial preferences in physical appearance is pretty inconsistent with what every one of us knows about ourselves. We could simply admit it exists and don't get offended by it. As a black man there is no offense to be taken when a woman indicates she prefers white, or Asian men or

Is there a shortage of black men out there?

In theory always agreeing with the white perspective or always disagreeing with it are both worse alternatives than one that is selective simply because no perspective is always right on every issue.