
Oh my god ... wow... I never really considered whether you were a woman or not because that is wholly irrelevant to discussion I want to have.

Isn't there some evidence that, on a large scale, evolution selects for multiple favorable psychologies? I seem to recall some studies that gave me the impression that it was likely there is an ideal mix of complementary tendencies. One of the studies was related to autism, I think..

Its not clear to me where I said everything that is hereditary is also selected for. However I did say that in general you'd expect most surviving traits and behaviors in most organisms to be selected for if natural selection works. This statement in no way precludes the existence of a vast number of behaviors, traits

"In addition, widespread traits cannot be assumed to have been selected for, because there are other factors at play (not least of which is environmental stochasticity)."

Evolution can be generally described as a discriminating process of selecting certain behaviors and traits to the exclusion of the alternatives. This by definition must yield a group of organisms who exhibit behaviors and traits that were selected for and to an extent are generally resistant to having it tampered

I'm not making the point for or against evolution but simply that for evolution to be effective it must have an inherent psychology that is somewhat protected from tampering. If one believes in evolution but subscribes to a different accompanying psychology from the orthodox I'll certainly be interested in that theory

Is it possible to oppose evolutionary psychology and still believe in evolution? If you believe in evolution there must necessarily be an effective psychology behind it for the process to work. It appears the alternative to evolutionary psych is intelligent design but the problem is that that tends to go against the

So sure MRAs are usually idiots on par with the people who seriously wonder why there isn't a white heritage month however there is a good amount of reasonable discussion to be had in the gulf between the feminist position and the MRA position both of which are detached, disingenuous, and homogeneous ideological

Of course because we don't aim for rationality doesn't mean we are aimless... we do act with precise rhyme and reason. No one would describe an earthworm as terribly rational but they follow certain patterns of behavior and act with reason

Seems to me we would run into similar hilarity trying to explain dancing or even sex to extra-terrestrials?

There is no rule against making helmet contract with a runner

You are probably right but we don't reserve this sort of generalization for only other humans we don't like, we apply it in literally every perception our brains processes especially when specific information is scarce. This is the basis of inductive reasoning which has generally served us well as humans although it

We don't treat each other with respect based on the hope that men and women are inherently identical. We do so because it is the right thing to do.

Thanks for your candid response. I happen to believe basic human physiology tells us the head cannot be excluded from tackling by simply decreeing against it since no one made a conscious decision to include it in the first place. A helmet to helmet hit hurts defenders as well so isn't going to intentionally become a

Do you think the nfl rule changes and focus on proper tackling is helping in any significant way given that the rules are focused on disincentivizing behavior (helmet to helmet hits) that had no incentive in the first place and real life football actually presents no opportunities for form tackles

Brian Bilick wonders why Giants would accept the penalty on 4th and short just inside the 50 to give the Eagles 3rd and long again and never considers the possibility that its because Coughlin is expecting Chip Kelly to go for it. Such thinking tells you the defenses prefer the traditional conservative NFL approach

This all seems like a massive overreaction. This was not even the most egregious dive I've seen today. There is no indication Balotelli was trying to draw penalty and there is some indication the defender was pulling his jersey.

1)How possible is it to intentionally aim at an opponent's helmet with your's ?

If Locker gets up and walks away no one is thinking about fining anyone.

May be I wasn't clear enough... my question was regarding a WR running full speed who has to dive to catch a slightly over thrown pass. The dive must confer some advantage over running in reaching an object in the direction of running motion.