
OK so why do football players gain an advantage by diving for balls?

Its not so obviously clear that diving into first is slower. Diving would be faster if it wasn't for the friction between the diver's body and the dirt. This is why football players dive for balls just out of reach or into the end zone instead of running through. So if one could plan their dive to end at the base it

Here's a devil's advocate argument from someone who doesn't hold the bible in any regard:

Besides the under current of unsupported speculation it appears you are saying kerry rhodes absence in the nfl is very much explicable

This is terrific.

In all of this, no one has actually proposed what a fair settlement would look like. $90B?

Now that the NFL isn't hiding the dangers of concussions is anything different? I just don't know what difference it would make whether the NFL did or didn't know football was dangerous above and beyond what people can observe.

Ok then what is a duck. Define a duck. Telling me it is real is unsatisfactory since I can simply point at a white person and declare caucasians are real however I would have trouble defining what it means to be caucasian.

"Let's stop the myth of women-always-date-jerks and all-men-are-assholes. Neither of those is true"

Every tackling strategy often leads to missed tackles. What do you think the offensive player is trying to do? yes exactly make you miss. Sometimes the offense will win but when you are caught behind or out of position your only shot is launching, a form tackle is basically N/A in that spot.

My point is given the rules as they stand today launching is the predictably dominant strategy simply because it works better than not launching.

My point is given the rules as they stand today launching is the predictably dominant strategy simply because it works better than not launching.

In theory you should always do a form tackle. In reality if this is all you did you'd never make a tackle in the NFL. You don't get too many opportunities to square up and make a tackle, the fact of the matter is when you're out of position and the offensive player is a shifty, moving target launching is a pretty

couldn't you argue every behavioral biological difference is also manifested as a cultural difference. Take women's propensity to be attracted to men. The entire culture is geared towards heterosexual choices does it now mean the predominance of heterosexuality is a cultural device? Not really.

The best thing about this entire piece is that her race was never mentioned but wait till the Jezies get a hold of this that could change.

You know the Padres have infield positions you could've applied for and gotten

The video reminds me of that one time at the gang bang