
I'm sorry Madelaine, but I think you completely misread this and underestimated Katie Couric's journalistic skill in the process. In fact, Couric achieved her goal brilliantly - her goal being to normalize Trans people for mainstream America. You could tell the whole conversation was rehearsed because they had the

How many miracles does it take to qualify for sainthood?

So, JLaw, you were great in Catching Fire! Those costumes were really tight on your boobs. Let's talk about your boobs for a bit.

Stupid Lisa.

I made it a whole 23 seconds before I had to stop. "An effort to criminalize male sexuality"???????????

I'm hoping it's a 'give him enough rope to hang himself with' thing.

I got as far as 'the purpose of marriage is to control men' and spat my tea out.

I categorically reject you, James Taranto. I reject you and I reject the customer at my bar last night who decided to go into a 20 minute diatribe about his personal issues with the idea of gender equality while I put little red stirrers in the napkin caddy. One by one. If only we didn't have those pesky cameras...

"You can call me Tarantosaurus Sex."

Yeah, no thank you. I think I'll call you shitbag. After I finish vomiting blood all over the place.

A weak chin... (literally laughing out loud. NOT VERY NICE BUT I AM). I once stopped seeing a guy b/c he had toe-thumbs. COULD. NOT. GET. PAST. THEM.

"Saskatchewan Lingerie." - BAH! Ordering now...

I don't know how it serves them to have it not reported on. Wouldn't this only increase their sense of having the crime swept under the rug? Even not speaking to the larger ethical question you pose (though I'm honestly not clear on what breach of ethics is perhaps being committed here) Melinda Coleman apparently said

One incident of violence DOES make you violent. It counts!

She's really sorry this time and she'll never do anything like that again, baby. She swears. You know she loves him.

Go patriarchy, for raising young women with no empathy and support for one another.

Why hasn't he left her yet?!
(Typical, misogynist victim blaming)

Oh I think she's great! The thing about FlyLady and UFYH and Heloise and etc etc etc vs. me is that we're more or less all doing and saying the same thing, it's just the way in which we say it that's different. Which is great because it means that there's a style of imparting cleaning knowledge for everyone. Most of

It sure does count! I don't use a top sheet either, if that makes you feel better (we each have our own duvets of different weights because my husband is a human heating element and I am ... not.) the covers for which are laundered each week.

It was all my friends and I could talk about for like a month after the fact. The weird thing is that I had a professor in college who looks exactly like Charlie Day, who I'm still pretty good pals with, so that got kind of weird for me, but still... I get Charlie Hunnam, I get Idris, but I'd still smash Day the