
Sex-positivity is amazing! Beyonce is amazing!

Ah, that's cute. He's a huge Tolkien nerd, so I'm guessing the cameo was a big deal for him.

He named his children after two people who were fucking each other?

Eva is fine by itself. It's not automatically ruined by the association like Adolf is. No child in good faith has been named Adolf since 1939.

Let me dial Whine-1-1 for him...

At first I was confused because as despicable as this guy is I didn't think you were allowed to take people's kids away because they were racist. But nope, not at all surprised that this little asswipe is a domestic abuser.

Somebody call the Wahhhmbulance, a hateful piece of human garbage is being persecuted!

"has nine children by five women and custody of exactly zero" if you asked some white racists the color of the father I suspect they would be surprised to see who it is.

"I'll stop making them when they stop taking them"

– they say [whispers], 'My wife does everything.'

Well there is one near San Diego near the desert I know that works. They all have normal jobs that they drive into town for or tele-commute for. They enjoy shared childcare and meals that they take shifts making. They don't seem cultish in any way other than the application process to move to their special

Or not. You're aware that different people like different things, right? And that some people just plainly get off on being in vulnerable positions, and that that's not always motivated by some darker reason? I'm a completely ordinary guy, yet I'm into a lot of things you might not expect. Humans are different, don't

At first I though that didn't actually sound too bad, all cults considered, but then I got to: was convicted of child molestation.

Uhm... some people like being spanked etc. They set up boundaries and safe words/signals with a partner. So you're saying we should shame someone for wanting to be treated roughly, or shame their partner for obliging?

Enjoying BDSM on either side doesn't make one crazy, just a bit different.

I've had three different girl friends ask me to explore "rape fantasies" that they had. All of them were raised in normal homes and weren't products of abusive environments. So while there wasn't any torture involved, asking someone to inflict pain (spankings are even a form of this) isn't so odd.

That being said,

Hmm they need to somehow make a game for masochists then... oh wait

Oh boy.... can of worms unleashed in 5.. 4... 3... 2.. 1...