
This is sooooo creepy. There were even slave-owners back in the day who weren't THIS bigoted. I feel like to be this bad, these guys have to be like...psychopaths, or just ultimate trolls. And asking the Republican party to support them??? I might not have a lot of fondness for most Republican views, but I at

OMG good idea! We should, in fact, put a radio-signal blocker over the ENTIRE STATE OF IDAHO!

I had a friend once who bragged that he could go a week on nothing but beer and weed.

And oh my god guys, I looked it up, and it's in the BOONIES in Idaho. Not even anywhere NEAR a major city, or even any cows, looks like. It's right in the middle of fucking NOWHERE. People who move to Dietrich, Idaho are not people who are okay with vaginas. Source: I was born in small-town Idaho.

I read the title and I was like whaaaaaaat? They said vagina when I was in school. And then I read like five words in and saw "Idaho" and I was like oh. That's why.

Believe it or not, there are distinctively intelligent (albeit delusional) people who agree with and enjoy Rush Limbaugh. Like my grandfather. He's a horrible person and doesn't think women should be allowed to vote, and would likely not bat an eye if they lined up all the gay people in the world and had them shot.

I've noticed the same thing in that show. As dramatic as the whole thing is, Emily's process was surprisingly undramatic and well-accepted. And she, and her friends, seem to have a healthy perspective on the whole thing. Even her parents came around (despite feeling weird about it at first, which is unfortunately

Sarah Silverman will never cease to crack me up.

You know...I've always felt the same way, and never really been able to explain why. Because the effect is just as bad,'re getting raped. But the INTENTION behind it is so incredibly sinister as to be movie villain-esque. I've never put that feeling into words before and you just did it perfectly!

I wish people would stop taking feminist snark to mean that we're attacking, or that we think they're all horrible people. We don't mean that. The writers didn't likely sit down and think " can I further objectify and put down all of womankind today?" before they wrote that article. They probably thought

I looked it up. It means "Death and life have determined appointments, riches and honors depend upon heaven."

That tattoo is badass!! I have a similar one down my side, except instead of Chinese symbols, it's the symbols for the planets. No idea what his says. I'm sure it's something that makes sense...he probably runs tattoos past PR before he gets them!

My adult self would like to say this seems like a great idea, and I'm glad to see this get attention.


I immediately went and tweeted "Don't rape someone. #tipstonotrapesomeone"

And after I visited London, I couldn't take my tea any other way. It's black or with a drop of milk, and hot. It's absolutely disgusting how much sugar Americans (especially in the South) put in their tea.

Agreed! As someone from Portland, I'm pretty sure Golub wasn't shitting when he said most of the fans liked the t-shirts. It's funny. And it's PORTLAND. Sex is just not taken as seriously's not. Sex jokes are plastered all over the city, and they're not sexist, they're just relaxed. It's awesome. I

I laugh aloud at Jezebel articles a lot. But this one had me laughing aloud, alone, with tears streaming down my face. not really. That's starting to change, I think, because I know they're making headway on the whole gay partners deserving benefits too issue. But no, at this point domestic partnership does nothing for you. Except that Navy Federal Credit Union will let you get an account with them. That's about it, as far

Maybe I'm missing the point here...but these don't look like kidnapped women who are about to be raped. These look like women who are PLAYING kidnapped as part of their rompous sex-party (which I'm gathering was consensual?). You know. BDSM. Kinky. I's totally inappropriate, and there's a big issue with